Chapter Seven

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The next morning I was so embarrassed that I kicked Silas out telling him I had to work. I was sad that trying to mark him didn't work, but I was more embarrassed that I tried it. I really thought it could work, but it didn't. Which is why I have a meeting with Alpha Peter at three. I need to find out how his brother marked his mate being an omega and all.

"What's on your minx? You look distracted." Theo tells me handing me a cup to hand to the customer in front of me. I shrug and he raises a brow at me as he asks a customer what they would like in their sandwich. He places the order next to Bailey and the smaller man begins to make the sandwich. Theo approaches me and stands behind me watching me closely, "tell me what's wrong."

"Can we talk privately?" I ask him softly grabbing his hand in mine and his worried eyes shift over my face. He nods slowly and waves to Mike to get the cashier. Mike looks between us confused, but doesn't comment as Theo guides me towards his office.

The door closes behind us and I quickly rush to the chair, sitting down. Theo doesn't question it and leans back against his desk watching me with a deep frown. I run my fingers through my hair and finally begin to speak, "okay, so yesterday Alpha Peter asked me to come see him because Bailey opened his big mouth. He gave me this thing that triggered a fake heat. So—"

"Is that why you smelled so good yesterday?"

"Yes. Anyway, a guy named Kyle, helped me understand what was going on, so I went home. Then Silas was there. We talked and I found out some things that I'm not ready to tell anyone. Then, we did some things, but I tried marking him and passed out. When I woke up I thought it didn't work because Silas' neck was completely healed, so I just kicked him out, but I've been feeling strange." I whisper running my fingers through my hair again, which I bet was a mess. My leg was ticking anxiously and my hands wouldn't stop shaking. Theo gets up and walks over grabbing my hands.

"What do you feel? Hey. Take a deep breath. Calm down." He says pulling me in to his chest and I hug him tightly feeling numb all over my body, "it's okay to be stressed after what you went through, but you need to calm down. How come the mark didn't work?"

"I think it's because I'm an omega, so I can't bite him like I need to. And look at this." I say quietly pulling up my sleeve and he stares down at my wrist. His eyebrows furrow together and confusion clouds his eyes at the sight of my bare wrist.

"Did you tell him?"

"I don't know what to tell him. It's all my fault." I whisper brokenly and he shakes his head grabbing my face in his hands, wiping at the tears slipping down my face, "what do I do, Theo? I'm sorry that I'm so distracted, I just don't know what to do."

"Okay, let's try and figure this out. O—" Theo stops talking as the door opens and Bailey looks in wide eyed. He stares between us with confusion in his eyes and he clears his throat. Theo drops his hands from my face and I shuffle towards the seat. I was staring down at my hands with nervousness because I didn't want Bailey to take it wrong. Theo was just trying to calm me down, but it probably looks suspicious from his point.

"What's wrong, Bailey?" Theo asks stiffly standing in front of me to block Bailey from my view. I wipe at my face and rub at my thighs nervously.

"There's a customer asking for Winter. Seems like everyone is interested in him these days, huh?" Bailey says bitterly as I stand up and Theo frowns at his words, "look if you two are going to date. You don't have to hide it from me. It's not like I ever liked Theo anyway. You don't owe me anything."


"I think you mistook what you saw when you came in." I say in a whisper to Bailey and I turn my attention to Theo, "I'll keep you updated on my problem."

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