Chapter Five

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There was no calls or messages for four days now and it was killing me. I wanted to call him and apologize, but I didn't know what I would say. I had received an email for a mark removal date with the council, but I didn't know if I wanted to do it. I stare down at the mark on my wrist and sigh pulling the coffee closer to me.

"It's going to be okay." Theo whispers wrapping an arm around me and I shake my head quietly, "you made a mistake. Now you just need to think hard and ask yourself if this is really what you want."

The door of the cafe rings quietly and I look up hopefully. It wasn't Silas, but it was the blonde man from before. He walks over quietly and takes his seat in front of me. I begin to make him the espresso and he taps his fingers on the counter waiting patiently. I grab the brownie and set it down in a tray, sliding it over to him. He picks at it for a bit before he decides to take a bite.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him curiously placing down the espresso in front of him and his golden eyes stare into mine.

"Is that really what you wanted to ask me?" He questions leaning back on the chair and taking in a deep breath rubbing at his temple, "I'm not suppose to be here, but I just wanted to understand, because I truly don't."

"He is the one who decided to leave." I snap gripping the rag in my hand and he shakes his head at my comment looking at me with pointed eyes.

"You backed him in to a corner. Ever since he placed that mark on you, all you have been doing is wondering how you could remove it. He gave you the opportunity, so why haven't you accepted the meeting?" He says crossing his arms and raising a brow at me as I burrow my eyebrows. My chest tightens at the idea of removing the mark and I clutch my wrist to my chest. The door opens revealing a customer and I go to move towards them, but Theo pats my shoulder moving towards the front.

"I don't know if I want to, but I don't understand what I want. That night, did he tell you about it?"

"No, Silas has never been one for sharing emotions. He just told me that you mentioned something about the mark again." The man explains lifting the espresso to his lips and drinking from it.

"Okay, well, it went great, better than great. I had never felt like that before, ever, but I got scared. I'm so vulnerable around him and I just don't understand it. I want to understand it before I say anything to him, but he got mad that I was still doubting what I felt for him. What do he expect? I need time."

"I understand that and so does he, but I want you to think and remember that Silas has been waiting for his mate for ten years. This isn't easy for him. He thought, that when he found you, you'd be just as happy to meet him as he was to meet you. It's hard for him to accept that it isn't the case and he's always been stubborn. So, please, for his sake, decide what you want before he goes crazy." He says staring at me with a small frown and I sigh covering my face. I was being selfish. I remember him telling me that and I didn't even consider it. It's not like he didn't give me a month of us just talking, with no sexual contact. He gave me time, I just still don't understand.

"I'll try and figure it out. If I do, you'll hear about it." I say quietly looking away from him and he places down a twenty dollar bill on the counter. He walks past me and moves down, leaving the room without another word. I bury my face in my hands and try to calm down my racing heart. Is it really all over a mark?


The water wraps around my body and I stare down at my body. Why is it that I always think about Silas while I am in the tub? I lean back and let my eyes flutter shut. The candles around me filling the air with a beautiful aroma. I let my fingers run over my wrist slowly and take a deep breath. I find myself falling asleep in my tub, not thinking about the possibility of drowning.

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