Chapter 15: Fleeting Hope.

Start from the beginning

He sighed in relief, the pain was elevating and the slash across his abdomen was beginning to shrink and his vision was slowly come back into focus. He concentrated on her face trying to memorize each feature and the way the moonlight angled them. Her lips parted and a shuddering almost inaudible sigh escaped her lips, he began to notice the tiny beads of sweat that were slowly multiplying over her forehead and the way her tan skin was paling.

“Meg, stop.” He protested she avoided his gaze and her grip on his hand tightened, refusing to let go.

“No its okay I can go on for a little longer.” She assured while trying to hold on to her passive expression, the healing process was taking a toll on her, making her body weaker but she didn’t care, whatever it takes to restore his health.

“You are not strong enough to—“ Her amber gaze suddenly snapped up at him, glaringly and Derek immediately silenced.

“I am not strong enough?!” She exclaimed, he watched her startled, her eyes were glittering up at him in unshed tears, noticing the way his expression softened in pity Meg stood up pulling away from him.

“Look at you, look at what they did—“Her breathing hitched and she struggled to speak, her heart was racing in anger and grief, she took a deep breath to gather her senses before looking to him “I thought you were dead.” His heart squeezed in his chest at the sight of her miserable face and soulful eyes brimming in tears.

She fell to his knees in front of him again reaching out and clutching the material of his jeans on his thigh area “Don’t do that to me Derek, never again I can’t, I am not strong enough.”

The intensity of her words deprived him of speech for a moment, unable to convey the rush of emotions he felt in that one moment, seeing her before him so vulnerable

“I came back for you.” He rasped out, she slowly raised her head the tears were spilling down the apples of her cheeks, her lips held down in a deep frown.

 “At least I tried to; the furthest I could go was Jennifer’s car before I collapsed but even as I was drifting in an out of consciousness.” He paused and cupped the sides of her face in his hands, gently pulling her towards him; Meg didn’t resist and clutched his forearms for support. “All I thought about was seeing your face again.”

Meg crumbled and the tears spilled faster, Derek wiped them away with the padded base of his thumbs before smashing his lips against hers in a heated kiss. She trembled but her hands had a life of their own, trailing up his arms to wrap around his bare shoulders, clinging to him. A growl escaped the base of his throat as their tongues mated; he was crushing her body to his chest, holding past the pain where there was just warmth. He gripped her by the waist, his fingers digging into her flesh before flexing under her shirt, riling up the material and exposing soft, warm skin.

His mouth left hers and he buried his face into the crook of her neck, craving her scent to fill his senses, holding on to her as if it was his last time to. Meg’s breasts were heaving against his, her sanity swirling in dizzying pleasure. His hands continued to push up her shirt, determined to remove the clothing that was irritating him so.  The act knocked some sense into her and she was immediately reminded of his condition, she gasped at the realization that she was crushed against his wounds.

“Wait we shouldn’t you need time—“

“I don’t care, I need you.” She froze under his words; his face was still buried in the curve of her neck, his breath hot and jagged against her skin “I need you, Meg.” He murmured in deep longing that consumed her being, her heart clenched from the intimacy.

Meg wanted to protest and insist that he stop and focus on recovering, try to heal so she wouldn’t have to worry but being held in his arms, surrounded by his strength and warmth, she struggled to say no and she knew that moment that she needed him just as much.

Reason-Sequel to Caution. Purpose. Faith-A Derek Hale Story (Teen Wolf fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now