Chapter Five: Rose's Not-So-Good First Day

Start from the beginning

        "I told them." Scorpius said. Rose felt confused, why would Scorpius tell them?

        "Oh. Well..." Rose began to trail off, she din't know what else to say. She began to feel uncomfortable around Xavier and wanted to hide behind her book. The silence seemed to be screaming. The Great Hall was starting to empty as students flooded the corridors, making it very crowded.

        "Muggle loving brat." Zac spat as the rest of Scorpius' friends appeared. Then, something happened that no one was expecting. Faith raised her hand and slapped Zac so hard he almost fell over. She suddenly looked at her hand, realizing what she had done. Rose looked at all the trouble she was causing and felt a sick pain like no other in her soul. Scorpius must have seen it in her eyes and tried to talk to her, but she jumped down and pushed past him, walking as fast as she could, swiftly walking around everyone in the halls. She felt her eyes stinging.  

        No, she told herself, Don't you dare cry. One of her biggest weaknesses was that she was very sensitive. She began to feel utterly stupid. Today was just not her day. Her first class was Defense Against the Dark Arts, which happened to be the class Scorpius' grandfather taught. She made it to class to see that the door was barely creaked open. She heard Lucius talking to Scorpius. Scorpius? How in the name of Merlin's Beard did he get there before Rose? Being her nosey self, Rose listened to them.

        "Headmistress McGonagall seemed impressed." Said Scorpius, matter of factly. Rose noticed how he talked differently around Lucius.

        "Oh, really? Did she give you a spot on the Quidditch team or something?" Lucius said, rolling his eyes.

        "Yes." Said Scorpius simply.

        "What?" Lucius asked, no tone of sarcasm in his voice.

        "I actually got a spot." Said Scorpius.

        "Oh, wow. That's my boy." Lucius said, patting Scorpius on the back. "So why exactly did you come here by broomstick?" Asked Lucius. Suddenly the door slowly creaked open to reveal Rose who had obviously been eavesdropping. When Lucius saw her, he automatically walked away, as if he were programmed to leave whenever he saw a Weasley in sight. He didn't notice Rose talking to Scorpius.

        "You flew here on a broomstick?" Asked Rose.

        "Yep." Scorpius held up the broomstick.

        "Why- you know what, never mind." Rose took a seat as her classmates came into the classroom. Rose sat at a desk in the front of the room. Beside her sat a girl named Emily. The brown haired girl appeared to be quite nervous. Emily looked at the door and obviously felt relieved. Her friend Lorcan was in the class. Lorcan waved in her direction and she waved back until she realized he was waving at Rose, not her. She awkwardly put her hand down. Lorcan sat down on the other side of Rose, unsurprisingly. Rose smiled, burying her emotions. She did a good job of it, too.

        "Oh, Em! Didn't see you there!" Lorcan waved at her.

        "Hi." Emily waved back shortly.

        "Is Olivia in this class?" Lorcan asked.

        "No, she's in Transfiguration." Answered Emily.

        "The Nargles did it! They don't want you two in the same class! I knew they were up to something. I have to tell Lysander." Lorcan said in his wispy, dramatic voice.

        "I'm sorry, I know we've been friends for a while and I've been meaning to ask this, but, what exactly is a Nargle?" Asked Emily.

        "This!" Lorcan proudly held up a picture of... well, nothing.

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