Summer With The Bad Boy (Part 7)

Start from the beginning

“Really Zayn, Bright pink underwear?” She commented, pointing to Zayn’s boxers.

“Coming from the girl who has matching batman bra and knickers?” Zayn eyed Alia’s choice of underwear.

“They’re comfy okay?” She laughed slightly mid-sentence, before opening the door on her side and climbing out.

Zayn watched in awe as Alia ran forwards- he’d never seen a girl quite like this. His stare came to a stop when Alia turned around to wait for him. Zayn brushed it off, and acted cool while getting out of the car, running to join Alia. They continued to run together, until they came to a lake. Without hesitating, they both jumped in. A screech came from Alia’s lips once her body had registered how cold the water was. Zayn took her from behind and swung her round before she could run back out. They both swam around for a bit, until Zayn made a splash at Alia.

“Oh hell no!” Alia shouted, in an American accent. She brought her hands back and pushed forward with force, and created a giant splash over Zayn, making him cough and splutter. Zayn swam to the grassy area and flopped onto the ground. Alia thought Zayn had choked on the water, but knowing Zayn it was just a trick. So, she came up with her own little plan.

She rustled the grass, and made a loud scream. Zayn’s body shot up faster than a bullet from a gun, he looked around, but there was no sign of her. Worried Zayn stood up and looked around for a better view, but still no Alia in sight. He rubbed his forehead, and felt his heart squeeze inside his chest. As much as he tried not to worry, he worried even more.

“Alia?” He shouted loudly. He ran towards the car, just in case she had gone back there.

“Fuck” Zayn winced as his body came in contact with the grassy ground. A loud laugh could be heard just behind the area Zayn had fallen onto. Inching his body around, Zayn came face to face with Alia’s face.

Tears made a stream from the corners of Alia’s eyes, to the tip of her nose where they fell to the floor. She clutched onto her stomach for dear life. Her face was a bright red colour, and you could see dimples in her cheeks. Zayn was a different story though.

He had mud on his hands, chest and stomach. His cheeks were bright red, from anger. He was getting more and more annoyed by the second as Alia laughed. He clenched his fist and got up from the floor.

“Y-your f-face” Alia laughed. She couldn’t help it, she wanted to stop but it was almost impossible. She stood up, still laughing slightly, while wiping the tears from her eyes.

“Get in the car” Zayn said through clenched teeth. Alia walked to the driver’s door, and went to open the door but Zayn beat her to it.

“I’m driving us somewhere now” Zayn smirked, letting some of his anger go.

“Alrightly then!” Alia shouted, walking to the other side of the car.

They both struggled to get their clothes back on, inside the car. They both refused to go back outside in the cold, since the car was lovely and warm.

Zayn drove for a long while, too long according to Alia. She opened up the sun roof above their heads, and turned on the radio. A sigh of relief fell from her lips. Alia was getting to hot in the car now, she even had a trickle of sweat along her hair line on her forehead.

The car came to a sudden stop, because of traffic. 10 long minutes later, Alia decided it was time to bring out the police lights, so she bend down and picked them up.

“What?” She asked, noticing a playful smirk coming from Zayn’s lips.

“Oh noth-“

“Tell me or get out of the car” She warned, with a deadly serious face.

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