Summer With The Bad Boy(Part 6)

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Summer With The Bad Boy(Part 6)

I carried two cups of steaming hot tea, that I just made for us, into my living room where I placed them on my mahogany coffee table. I sat on my favourite fluffy armchair tugging the cream cushion to my chest. I'm still trying to figure out why he is here.

"Why are you here?" I blurted out. It came out harsher than I intended, oh well.

"Well, it all started when I found out the boys were out of town for the summer, so I went into an alley way. No idea why. Then I saw you crying, so I followed you to here. That sounds so creepy. But here I am now!" He laughed in unison with me.

"Oh" Was all I could say. He really followed me home because I was crying. Zayn actually done that for me?

I leaned into the coffee table to grab my cup of tea, and Zayn decided to do the same, which made us both laugh. I sipped my warm tea, letting the liquid warm my dried throat.

After about 5 minutes of silence, it was a little awkward but not too much, Zayn spoke up.

"Why was you crying?" He questioned.

"Ella, my only friend, left today to move to Jackson vile. We didn't know anything about it until today. We thought she was moving towards the end of the summer, but.. she isn't. So it's a lonely summer for me, I guess." I finished with a sigh.

"Same. None of the boys are around to help me fuck shit up!" Zayn laughed.

"Unless..." Zayn left a pause. Me being impatient, thought the pause was too long so I shortened it.

"Unless..." I repeated. I'm getting frustrated now. Ugh.

"We spend summer together?" Zayn smiled a bright smile. I love that smile of his. When Zayn smiles, it's like a million jars of Nutella. If you're wondering, that is haven!

"Why fucking not" I beamed at him before running up my stairs, and into my room, then into my built in wardrobe. I searched through all my clothes until I found a hot pink and black patterned crop top, which I then paired with plain black shorts.

Running back down the stairs quietly, I saw Zayn looking at my family photo's He was looking at the one me my mum and dad had when we went on holiday to a ski resort. I was 7 and that was the last holiday I went on with my parents. I looked up and saw Zayn starring at me, I simply smiled at him and received a sorrowful one back. Zayn asked where my parents were, so I told him they were always away on business trips.

We sat on the sofa and watched TV for 20 minutes. I got really bored and decided to kick start our summer together at my favourite place. I grabbed Zayn's hand and felt goose bumps appear on my arms, ignoring them I dragged him through the door and into my black car.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

Why do they have to leave me on the best summer ever? They can be a bunch of twats sometimes, but there my bro's. I stood in the alley way, cigarette in my mouth. My black quiff brushed down across my face for a change. I leaned against the wall taking the cigarette of my mouth and gently tapped it getting rid of the ahs, while exhaling the smoke. I threw the cig on the floor and rubbed it with my boots, as I did so, I heard a whimper. I looked to the side and saw Alia crying her eyes out. Natural instincts told me to follow her, so I did. After a slow 10 minute walk, we arrived at a giant white house. Black metal fences surrounded the garden. The grass was a lovely shade of green, and the trees' were massive. This house is amazing. I saw Alia close the door behind her. I decided to wait a while before knocking her door.


I entered the house and noticed the surprised look on Alia's run down face. Poor girl. She ran out to another room and left me in the, I assume, living room. I sat on the extra comfy sofa and waited until Alia returned.


We talked for a while and I found out the reason why she was crying. Her only friend had moved to Jackson vile. If any of the boys did that, I would be fuming. But her only friend? I can't imagine how she must feel. On the bright side, we both decided to spend summer together. I don't know why her of all people I could choose to spend summer with, but she was the one I chose. I couldn't keep my eyes off her. She had a crop top on and a pair of shorts, on any other girl it would look slutty, but on my flower it looked hot. Alia interrupted my thoughts by grabbing my hand. Just her touch could send a million volts through my body, I don't even know why? She had dragged me through the front door and into her black car. It's a nice car, not big but not small either. She started to drive somewhere. I looked at her face and took in her features. Why hadn't I noticed her before? She's breath taking. And that's just looks.

Summer With The Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora