Chapter 3

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I run for my life. There are two Republic soldiers hot on my tail - one is Captain Metias Iparis, if I overheard correctly. 

I should've been more careful infiltrating the hospital, but what can a supposed-to-be-dead older brother do when his precious younger brother is dying? Well, too bad they didn't have any cure left. 

Shit, it's not too bad, it is BAD. I got some suppressors but these won't keep Eden alive. They will only buy me some time to get the money I need for the cure. 

I run into a dead end. Damn it. There is a window leading me out of the building, but I am on the third floor. I will get hurt, and might even lose the suppressors. Footsteps approach, getting louder every second. I have to think. Think of a way to escape.

There is none, except through that window.

I finally make my mind and reach for the window.

"Stop!" a voice shouts from behind. "Hands on your head and don't move or I will open fire." I slowly take my hands off the window and bring them up to my head. No good to anyone if I die, recklessly trying to escape. I am willing to bet my life that he has a gun, aimed at me. 

"Now turn around slowly," the other voice says.

They each have a gun, both of them trained on me. But I can't be arrested, or they'll know Tess's existence, torture John, the only one who knows I'm alive, and who knows, the Republic might kill my family. 

I have two tranquilizers hidden in my boots. If I could just get them out and throw at them fast enough before any of their bullets hit me...

I don't think - I act. 

Before they know it, the one with the lieutenant uniform is hit with the tranquilizer on his shoulder and his eyes go wide in shock.

"Bryant!" the captain yells, taking the gun off me. The soldier crumples onto the ground, completely unconscious. 

He turns to me, and I take aim. A sudden realization flickers in his eyes.

"Day?" he blurts out. I stop my hand from throwing. How does he know me? "It is you, yes?" he asks carefully, tucking his gun back into his waistband.

"If I were you, I wouldn't put that away so quickly," I say, pointing at the gun. Is he not going to arrest me?

"You really are Day."

"What makes you so sure?"

"I'm a captain. I know things. I analyze." he says, considering me.

"Fair enough," I nod and narrow my eyes in suspicion. "What do you want?"

His answers startle me a little. "Nothing big. I want you to keep going." he shrugs lightly, but his eyes are serious. Dead serious.

Taken aback by his words, I stammer. "K-keep going? What d-do you mean?"

"If you want to rebel, rebel from inside." he says quietly, glancing at his back. "Look. My soldiers are coming, and unless you want to get arrested..." he trails off, jutting his chin at the window.

Without answering, I wheel around, trying to open the window. "Damn it." I mutter as I find out it is jammed.

A gunshot rings in my ears.

I jolt, and instinctively look back at my shoulders. Metias has his gun up, trained directly at me, but I am not hit. I turn back. 

The window. He shot the window.

"One more thing." he says. "You'll need to shoot me with the tranquilizer."


"Think, Day. My commander will be very happy to hear that I had the most wanted criminal right before my eyes and managed to miss him. Or even better - I let him go." he says sarcastically.

I consider his words. The footsteps grow louder.

"Hurry up. They're coming." he snaps. 

Reluctantly, I pull out the last tranquilizer, and throw it. It plunges into his chest, and he winces. Then he, too, crumples onto the ground beside his colleague. 

I don't look back. I jump out of the window as the door snaps open again and soldiers storm in. 

Bullets come raining after me.

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