Chapter Twenty: The Great Reveal

Start from the beginning

            I bring my hand up and grasp her hair, lifting her feet off of the ground. I smile wickedly at her as I slam her face into the bare space of wall beside the book shelf. I watch as she crumples to the floor.

            I turn around to see Damon squishing Ian’s face into the floor affectively so I turn to Skylar you is handling Skylar quite well. I spin back around as I hear the sound of loud footsteps on the floor.

            My eyes lift up until they fall onto the intruder. His black eyes and greasy hair make him impossible to forget. Victor.

            He was behind all of this. I had my suspicions when Chloe was taunting me but I wasn’t one hundred percent sure. I’ve always known that Victor was a bad guy. I knew it. It wasn’t just hate because of what happened to my parents I’ve always knew there has been something off about him. He’s always had it out for me and Damon.

            My hands start to itch; I just want to wrap them around his pathetic little throat. Oh no, I wasn’t going to kill him, not yet. I’ll give him to the Immortal Council and let them have him. Victor would be wishing that I killed him hundreds of times over if they got their hands on him.

            I speed up as Victor moves closer to Damon. Victor leans down and plucks Damon off of Ian’s back and flings him into the glass table on the other side of the room. Sprinting I move over close to Victor ready to hit him so hard that he’ll forget who he is when I’m stopped.

            I look up to see Ian smirking down at me. His hands wrap around my waist and over my arms so I can’t hit him. I try to bring my feet up so I can kick him but I’m being thrown over his shoulder and flying into a wall before I can react.

            My head hits the floor with a loud thud. I shake it off if I was hurt I could deal with it later. I get to my feet slower than necessary, I want to test something. Exactly what I thought Ian doesn’t move to me when I was on the ground I don’t think he’s actually allowed to harm us. He can probably knock me out but is worried that he could cause more damage if I was on the ground. Or he’s a sick bastard that wants his opponent to fight back; I think it’s the first one though. No rebel vampire would let their opponent get to their feet if they could help it; I certainly wouldn’t if I had a job to do.

            I stand still, wanting to prove my theory right to a degree where there could be no other reason for him doing nothing. My feet are planted shoulder with apart with my knees bent slightly and my hand hanging at my sides. Ian could come at me and probably get me onto the ground but he doesn’t move. I was right he’s not allowed to harm me and I’m sure if he does the repercussions will be pretty bad for the amount he’s backed off.

            I run forwards to punch him in the face, while his face swings to one side I bring my knee up into his groin. When his face turns back around I give him a good slap just for being an asshole and using me. Oh God, I was going to be a mess after this, Damon was right the whole time.

            I focus back on the fight I can’t get distracted if I’m going to get out of this. Ian back hands me hard enough to bring blood to my mouth. I give him the worst dirty look I can give him before spitting the blood into his face. He looks at me in disgust as parts of his face start to go black from my blood. Vampires can’t touch us our blood is even poisonous to them.

            It’s just too bad that there wasn’t enough blood occupying my mouth to melt off his whole face all it did was leave him with some burns that would just take slightly longer to heal than most injuries.

            Me being, well, me couldn’t leave at just that. I slam my foot into his chest which gave him the momentum to stumble back I use that to my advantage as I use most of my strength to push him down. I hop on top of his body and straddle his waist, grabbing his hair with one hand I start to lift it up as he squirmed trying to move away.

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