Chapter 15

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(Check out my new Ziall fan fiction "Totally Captivated." I'm sure you'll like it :D ) 

Dedicated to @DebbyC because u comment on all of my stories and you even get the small jokes I make. you make me so happy with your comments ! :D 

"Sana, get over here," Niall yelled at the top of his voice, his fingers working hurriedly as he mixed the batter up before placing it on the pan just so it was the right amount of fluffy, gooey mess before he walked to the bottom of the stairs, yelling for his six year old daughter to come down. 

"Babe your school starts in an hour. Come have your breakfast and then take a shower, yeah?" He shouted, waiting for the familiar paddling of feet on the wooden floor and smiled in relief when his daughter finally came down, looking as grumpy as ever with her black hair sticking in all directions and a fluffy white teddy bear in her small hands. Even though she had the exact same skin as Niall's, the girl still didn't burn as easily as her dad did, which was one thing Niall was extremely grateful for. 

He placed the little girl on the stool, getting her breakfast ready with chocolate syrup to go with the pancakes while she ranted on and on about this other girl that had been annoying her in class. 

"Dad, you should go on Tinder," Niall chocked on the water he was gulping, and punched his chest a few times lightly, trying to get ride of the liquid which had made its way somewhere up his nose. He stared at his beautiful daughter, Sana Horan, in surprise, wondering how a six year old knew what Tinder was. 

"Do you know what Tinder is love?" He asked, cutting the pancakes into smaller pieces - Sana always complained about not knowing how to use a fork - before he handed her the silverware. 

"They say you find your life partner there. Tania's mom is on Tinder," Her blue eyes sparkles brightly, hoping that he father will also go to this Tinder place and maybe find somebody to love. 

"Why do you want me to go on Tinder?" Niall chuckled, making some pancakes for himself while he kept on glancing at the wall clock, forty five minutes to go. 

"Because everybody has two parents and I only have one." The blonde gulped, faking a tight lipped smile before focusing back on the pancakes.

When Niall had decided to leave it all behind, he had actually prayed that it would be temporary. That one day, he might just come back and the boys will welcome him with open arms. But then he decided to go on Twitter and what he saw there, just shocked the crap out of him. Apparently, Louis was going to marry Danielle, Harry had signed up for a movie and Liam was off somewhere with Cheryl, planning a baby with her, or at least that's what the rumors said. The fans were drifting apart, everybody went from rooting for the band to just rooting for their favorite members. Zayn's tour was taking place and he had announced this as his last tour, his last album and just his last goodbye to the world of fame. Niall was shocked, wondering whether all this was a result of his disappearance. Did he strike some sort of a chain reaction? 

After knowing all of this, he just couldn't bring himself to call or even approach the boys. So he did what any rational person would do: he made a fake account and decided to spread all sorts of positive messages to the boys via twitter. The app came to good use because Louis had liked his tweet and Liam had even thanked him once for being so kind. The only one who had disappeared off the face of Earth was Zayn Malik. Niall wanted him to meet Sana, talk to her and hold her. He wanted a happy and normal family as well but that just didn't seem to happen, it just wasn't likely. With him moving all the way down to Florida, and Zayn still being in London, their was no way the two would ever meet again, specially not when Niall had absolutely no idea where Zayn even was. 

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