Chapter 13

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"Alright lad, let's move it," Zayn muttered, dragging a very drunk Harry by the arm as he continued to ring Niall up, frowning when it went to voicemail every fucking time. He didn't dwell much on it since for the past few days, Niall hadn't been very talkative with him and judging by the time, he was probably asleep or feeding Freddie. 

"Let's just find Liam," The raven haired man shook his head, sighing when Harry slumped on the footpath, frowning as he heard the sound of his best mate wrenching his guts out. He gently pulled Harry's long curls out of his face, blocking his nose with one hand while keeping the large mass of hair away from the brunette's puking mouth. Once Harry was done, he gave a forced smile to Zayn before following him around, the two of them searching for Liam. 

Zayn tried to remember where Liam had actually gone to. The last memory he had of his other best mate was on the dance floor while he was carrying Perrie up the steps. Liam seemed sober enough and to be very honest, he was never very drunk. Or just knew how to hold his alcohol but ever since the scenario of his addiction came forth, Liam had just strayed away from all sorts of liquor, so Zayn was at least assured that he wouldn't be in the same condition as Harry. 

"We can't find Liam, Niall is not picking up my calls! Could this day get any worse? And it's already 5:30 AM, I could go home and cuddle with my lovely pregnant boyfriend right now, even though he seems to hate me these days." 

"He doesn't hate you. He was just being broody and missing Louis," Harry grunted, pulling his head in his hands as he slumped on the footpath. Luckily for them, Paul had already told the paps to buzz off and made sure the club placed extra security around the boys, thankfully, nobody seemed to be clicking their pictures at the moment. Zayn was quite relieved with the knowledge. 

He rang Liam up when the guards informed Zayn that his ex-band mate was nowhere to be seen. Frowning when the call disconnected, Zayn just grumbled to himself, informing Paul and the rest of the men about Liam's situation before helping Harry inside the sleek black car. 

Zayn dialed the house phone once again , telling himself that Niall was alright but there was this nagging feeling in the back of his mind, telling him that something really really bad was going to happen. He shook his thoughts aside, blaming it on the light amount of alcohol he had had and jumped when his phone beeped loudly, indicating that he had a message. 

Thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry if I was too embarrassing. Give Niall my love x - Perrie

Zayn smiled to himself before replying with a smiley face. He had always liked Perrie, she was not bitchy or demanding but actually knew very friendly and accepting. Never once had she judged him and Niall for hiding their relationship from Louis, even though Zayn wouldn't have cared if she had. They were both in the wrong, him and Niall, for betraying Louis like that and Zayn wouldn't have minded if someone actually smacked some sense into him. He was in too deep with Niall to realize that he might be harming his best friend in the way, and look where that had got him? Now his best friend was no longer talking to him because he had to leave the band, and he was also missing! 

The car stopped suddenly, bringing Zayn out of his deep thoughts and he quickly scrambled out,helping Harry later. Walking inside the mansion, he tried to ignore the eerie silence and just searched for Advil and made some lemonade for his hungover friend. He really couldn't see Harry in pain. 

"I'm just going to wake Niall up. You should probably lie down for a while, wait for the headache to disappear and then I'll cook you something. Alright, mate?" Harry nodded, patting Zayn on the shoulder before slumping back on the couch. He watched the raven haired man walk up the stairs, calling for Niall's name in hushed tones, trying not to wake Freddie up because the little toddler was nothing but a troublemaker, just like Louis. 

When Zayn reached the bedroom, he knocked softly before going inside, his mind was thinking about talking everything out with Niall. The distance, even though they were in the same house and room every single day, was becoming too much. It was as if they didn't know each other anymore and Zayn wanted to change that. He wanted those special moments he had with the blonde when everything was alright to just come back. He didn't want Niall to stress about the kid because no matter what happens, Zayn would still be by his side. He would even take Niall away if that's what the blonde wanted. 

But the bedroom was empty. The cupboards were just filled with his stuff and some of Louis' Adidas hoodies which Niall didn't want to give up. The shoe rack was also completely emptied from all of Niall's vans and Nike's. He checked the bathroom, hoping it was just Niall doing some cleaning or a sudden laundry but frowned when even the off white marbled bathroom was found empty. 

"Harry, is Niall somewhere downstairs?" The raven haired man yelled out, mumbling a quick sorry when Harry grumbled about his loud voice causing him another headache and walked over to Freddie's nursery, frowning when the baby could not be seen anywhere. He opened the small pink cupboard on the side, rolling his eyes fondly at how Niall decided to make everything a pastel pink and white color despite knowing that he was going to have a baby boy. Zayn remembered asking him why he would do that and the blonde just shook his head smiling, and said 'colors are for people. not genders. if he wants a different colored room when he grows up, i'll give him that.' 

Tears welled his eyes at the memory and he screamed loudly, flinching when arms wrapped around his crouching frame. Just from the tattoos, he knew this was Harry. 

"He's gone. He's not coming back," Zayn muttered, trying to wipe his tears as quickly as he could, not wanting to show Harry how weak he actually was even though the amount of times he had actually vented out and cried to Harry late at night, was more than what he could count on his fingers. 

"He left this for you." Harry gave his best mate a sympathetic smile, a few tears escaping his eyes as well but he wasn't as heartbroken as Zayn was. Nobody could ever be as heart broken as Zayn. 

'I'm sorry but I needed some space. I love you more than you think I do. Don't look for me,' Zayn read the short note out loud before crumpling it in his hands. 

"Fuck you Niall Horan." 

AN/ Aw, Zayn baby is sad :(








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