Chapter 8

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(The previous chapter 8 was a complete disaster. Forget that ever happened and if you didn't read it then damn you're lucky lol) 

Niall's POV

Louis knew. I was positive that he knew what was going on ever since I decided to invite Zayn over. I couldn't help it though. This had gone on for a very long time and the conversation with Harry just made me feel guilty about what the fuck I was doing. You know the feeling of fear and guilt you get when you're narrating your own story to your friend or even a stranger? Yeah well, that feeling really worked miracles for me.

I could see my husband narrowing his eyes every now and then towards Zayn while the raven haired man just keep on staring at the floor. Sometimes, I just wanted the raven haired man to be more open about his emotions and to be just a tad bit more confident. Louis was way too intimidating for someone like Zayn, who just had a tough front but couldn't even hold on an argument for more than two minutes.

Just the feeling of what I was about to do made me nervous. Thankfully, Harry had already dragged Liam out in order to give me the much needed space and time. He was a great friend and I made a mental note to treat him to something delicious once this entire mess was sorted out. It was getting exhausting for me and for sure, Zayn was also getting tired of my shit. But the question was, what was I going to do now?

Yes, I had called them over in a very sudden burst of excitement but I hadn't figured out the exact words I was supposed to say. Louis was glaring at everything and Zayn wasn't even looking at me but I had a hunch that the two knew exactly what I was going to say. Just the thought of Louis screaming and shouting at me, with that 'I've-been-betrayed-by-my-own-husband' face, made me flinch visibly.

"Are you going to speak?" The shrill voice of my husband bought me out of my thoughts. His tone was always harsh and unfriendly. I wished we could go back to those days where I didn't have a really hot looking tanned man to cheat on and where he was a loyal asshole who was satisfied with just pissing me off, but of course life had its own plans and here we are.

"Y-yes, I am," I raised my eyebrow at the feathery haired brunette, cursing myself inwardly for the slight tremor in my voice. I won't lie. Louis makes me really nervous and it's not even the good kind of nervous. Sure, I love him with my every being but now I had Zayn and the huge possibility that my future child might be his doing. I wasn't going to be selfish and demand the best of both worlds right now. I had too many choices to make. Either I could simply divorce Louis and walk away, get another apartment and make arrangements about when and where he could meet up with Freddie while still continuing the secret relationship with Zayn or I could come clean to the two men and just hope they would take it well.

"What did you want to talk to the two of us about Niall?" This voice was softer and more gentle than the previous one and just from the tone I could tell that it was Zayn. He always cared and tired to take everything in a rational manner. Unlike someone else I knew.

"I wanted to tell you guys," I took a deep breathe, trying to stop my hands from shaking. I needed something to drink and that annoying feeling of nausea and vomit was coming over me. I quickly got up and ran into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of water before sipping on it as I walked back into the room which contained the two handsome males.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm-I'm pregnant," I closed my eyes shut, not wanting to see their faces as I continued with my speech. This would shatter Louis and possibly put Zayn in a coma after the beating my husband might deliver upon him. Whatever might happen, I had to do this. "And it might be Zayn's." I waited for some sort of response to come my way but when no voices could be heard, I peeped open my eyes slowly.

"Louis?" I questioned, watching the brunette get up and pace the room up and down as if that was going to answer his problems. Zayn, on the other hand was confused. I didn't blame him really, he was always very careful at sex, making sure there was lube and condom before he decided to go for it but there were still some moments where I demanded that I wanted to feel him. Why did I have to be so mushy and stupid?

"For how long? How long have you two been in a relationship or whatever this is," Louis waved his hands in our direction, his fingers going back to rubbing his chin and the light stubble he had on. In normal situations I would either laugh or comfort him but right now I didn't think he would like me touching his body in any manner.

"Since the take me home tour."

"You only found my best mate to fuck out of all the millions of people in the world?"

My eyes watered at his hostile gaze and the obvious question. Of course I could go for anyone else, I could've gone to some fucking club and found comfort there but it wasn't as if I actually wanted to have a relationship with Zayn or sleep with him. It just kinda happened. We used to hang out together and all of a sudden, it wasn't about being friends anymore. There was a connection and a spark and the two of us chose to react on that.

"We both know that what we did was wrong but we couldn't help ourselves. You leaving him again and again for Eleanor was becoming too much for Niall and he couldn't deal with the stress alone while you had somebody to comfort and fuck. But that happened in the past, we're done with that shit. I left the band and tried so hard to leave Niall as well but I couldn't." Zayn took a deep breath before glancing at me briefly. I was glad he was there and standing up for the two of us. However the hurt Louis was feeling was obvious and kind of expected. If I was in his shoes, I would probably react in the worst possible manner as well. Maybe even get violent.

"Now that we know that he's pregnant, we just need to give him a stress free environment. Let's just keep all these talks for the future. We'll sit and talk it out but right now, we need to take Niall to the doctors and within a few months, we can find out whether I am the real father or not. If it's yours then I'll gladly leave if that's what you want," Zayn's bottom lips trembled as he stared at his best mate, waiting for Louis to respond. It was an overall sad atmosphere which filled the room but knowing that I was the cause of this beautiful friendship coming to an end again and again was just suffocating him.

"You do that because you love him so much to forget that I was your best friend. I went to you with all my relationship problems and what do I find out? You were fucking my husband. Whatever this shit is," He waved his hand towards me and Zayn before reaching for the car keys, "I'm not going to be a part of it."

AN/ I deleted the previous chapter 8 that I had written because it was complete shit and made it seem like the story wasn't going anywhere. I am so disappointed at myself right now.

I hope this chapter is better and actually gets votes and comments lol


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