Chapter 2

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Niall's body shook slightly as he pushed open the door to his million dollar mansion. He really shouldn't be calling it 'his' considering his husband had also paid for this place which he hated coming back to. 

"Where were you?" He heard that voice he'd come to love and hate, ask and for a moment Niall was tempted to ignore the question. But he didn't want another fight. Now, this was definitely not domestic violence, specially when one could see bruises even on his partner's face. 

"Stop smiling. You can punch, we both know that," The taller man rolled his eyes fondly before his gaze settled on the countless hickies littered on his husband's neck. Niall, upon noticing the intense glare flinched a bit, trying to hide the pink-purple love bites even though he really didn't want to. 

Niall hoped he wouldn't scream,wouldn't start another fight where in the end, they'll both end up with good punches on their faces. The blonde hated being underestimated as being fragile and small. Just look at his husband and you'll see that Niall knew how to break a nose. He had tried telling Zayn again and again that it wasn't violence, it was just their way of dealing with the frustration and the distance. He hated how cold they were towards each other, hating how he didn't even know his 'husband' anymore. 

"Who gave you those?' He felt his chin being lift up and saw those piercing eyes staring down at the love bites scattered across his neck and down to his collarbones. 

"It definitely wasn't Danielle," he snapped his face back, walking out of the room to the sleeping baby. He smiled a little, lifting the little boy in his pale arms and for a second he wished Freddie didn't look so much like his father. He was really hoping his son would look like...well, him. 

"He missed you," His husband said, smiling sadly as he looked at the blonde. They were both cheating on their partners so none of them really had the right to complain. They just weren't...compatible. But Niall couldn't ever tell who he was sneaking out with, whom he gave himself up to every single night, who he loved so fucking much. As much as he had come to hate the feathery haired brunette, he could never hurt him like that by telling he was fucking his best friend......ex-best friend but you get his point.

"I wish we could talk it all out," Two arms wrapped themselves around his waist making Niall smile a little. He leaned back on the hard chest, Freddie holding his finger gently as his dad rocked them both back and forth. 

"He's so precious," Niall chuckled, loving the way his husband kept on moving them both back and forth. This was why he didn't leave. The moments where they were together, actually behaving like a proper family was what stopped him from leaving. Plus, he knew it would shatter the taller man's heart if Niall left. They hated each other, cheated on each other but they did still, love each other. 

"You're losing weight," He frowned, noticing the strangely thin arms tickling his baby's cheeks.

"I know." 

"You told me you'd quit smoking." 

"You told me you'd quit cheating. Guess we both don't keep our promises." 

"Do you know how unfair you sound right now?" Niall glared at the wall, not wanting to fight or scream loudly for the sake for the little baby who was definitely enjoying his daddies company. 

"Do you know how annoying you sound right now?" His husband mocked, pinching the blonde's waist lightly making him yelp. 

"Fuck, don't do that when I'm holding Freddie!" He whisper yelling, smiling slightly when his husband laughed at him. Zayn was really not one of his concerns right now and maybe he was being selfish by staying in a marriage which made him unhappy but satisfied and even cheating with somebody whom his husband loved like a brother. Niall would probably go to hell for this but he couldn't help it. His husband was his everything and Zayn was his....sanity. He was the excitement and thrill,the feeling of love and happiness and everything in between that Niall needed but with his husband, well, he had a history and as much as this marriage pushed him to his limits, he felt like he needed it. The adrenaline of fighting someone and falling to sleep with them cuddled up to you, he loved that part of his life and that's why he never complained about his bruises. 

"Don't curse when you're holding my kid," Niall frowned, turning around to shove the baby in his husband's arm. 

"Let's see you feed him." 

"Oh come on," He laughed at the groan that escaped his partner's lips. He really shouldn't be doing this but he couldn't help but lean closer and closer to the slightly taller lad's lips. 

"Kiss me you fool," And instantly soft lips were placed on his own pink ones, making him hiss in pain and pleasure as the fool in front of him nipped on his bottom lip, harshly. 

He felt his body being lifted off the ground after a slight pause, probably Freddie being placed back in his crib. And in a split second, he felt his back hitting the soft silk of his bed as a tall body hovered over him, those deep blue eyes looking at his own sea blue ones, a smirk evident on the taller man's face. Niall rolled his eyes at that. 

"Oh just fuck me Louis." 

"Yes ma'am."

AN/ Yeah...Louis ain't a bad guy. I can't believe you'd think I'd let Niall go through abuse *shakes head dramatically*. Never in a million years, I'd take all the hits for him tbfh

Anywhore, I'm not sure about this chapter or story but hey NOUIS IS HOT HOT HOT! I don't know why people don't ship Nouis so much because omfg, Louis bending Niall over to fuck his ass is simply my fookin religion. He's just so demanding and I really love sassy and smart Niall








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