Chapter 3

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"Where are you going?" Louis asked groggily, pushing the sheets away from his body. It was too hot in the room and it was quite understandable since the two men had forgotten to open the windows or the air conditioner for that matter. 

"Out," Niall replied curtly, bending a bit to pick his glasses from the table, he could feel his husband's eyes staring at his ass and just to taunt him a bit, the blonde stayed like that a bit longer. When he heard the older man groan, he finally stood straight. 

"Are you going to meet one of your flings?" The Irishman laughed at the way the brunette scrunched up his nose and he was almost tempted to call things off but he couldn't do that. Louis was simply his first priority in matters concerning their kid otherwise, he knew he'd always put Zayn first. So with a simply kiss to the cheek, Niall left, leaving his husband alone in the bedroom. Their bedroom. 


"For the last time Zayn, Louis does not hit Niall," The raven haired man could just imagine his best friend rolling his eyes at the accusations. A part of him knew that Niall wasn't getting beaten up but another part of him was just scared. Waiting for the day when Louis would finally snap and no matter how strong his little blonde princess pretended to be, Zayn knew that Louis would win the fight. 

"But I've seen the bruises," Zayn grunted, waving a dismissive hand at the hairstylist who he thought never left his hair alone, which is probably why he was always in a hurry to shave them. 

"Well you definitely haven't seen Louis's face then. Listen, they're happy together alright and Louis would never hurt Nialler like that and you of course, know that. So why are you acting as if he's the biggest asshole on the planet and would dare raise his fist at his husband?" He could feel his blood boiling with every word that escaped Liam's mouth. The puppy eyed man should be grateful that he wasn't standing right in front of the Pakistani boy because by now, Zayn was sure he would've snapped Liam's neck in two. 

"But I love him more....," He mumbled to himself, listening to the confusing what's and 'I didn't get you's' that escaped his best friend's mouth and with that, he cut the call off, slumping back on the comfortable chair as he waited to be called for the interview. 

He should be glad that he left it all behind. The sadness, the pain, the discomfort he felt when he sang the music which a part of him didn't like at all, but all he could feel was misery. He wanted Niall here, in his arms, smiling at him, telling him everything will be alright. It was scary how much Zayn depended on the shorter man but that was how it was. It was Zayn&Niall against the world, even though the world didn't even know they were together. 


"You're on in 15," A chirpy voice called breaking Zayn away from his really depressing thoughts. He turned around to nod to the girl, who looked nothing more than a teenager wearing too short a skirt and a really tight fitting top, he wanted to roll his eyes at the outfit but resisted. 

"He'll be there," Another voice answered for him and instantly he could feel his mood uplifting. The familiar sea blue eyes stared at him before turning their attention back to the teenager who were clearly just working in the studios as some kind of an assistant. 

"You really should fire people who try to get in your pants so much," Niall chuckled bitterly, placing a cold hand on the tanned man's skin, eyes sparkling as he noticed the contrast between their complexions. 

"Kiss me," Zayn heard the smaller boy mutter and without further ado, he leaned forward, capturing the pink kissable lips with his own chapped ones. He nibbled and licked, watching the blonde clutch onto him for dear life as Zayn's tongue explored every corner of the Irishman's mouth, savoring it all. 

"You're cute when you're jealous,"He panted out, bringing their foreheads together as he continued staring at the blonde's swollen lips, nibbling on them every now and then. 

"I wasn't jealous," Niall blushed, punching Zayn lightly on the arm before he stepped back, allowing his eyes to fully take in what his lover was wearing. A simple black tee, topped with a long black over coat and matching black skinny jeans. Now usually black would be a boring color for some people but when Zayn wore all black, Niall couldn't help but want to...well, take it off. 

"Wearing that tonight?" He asked, glancing at his boyfriend through thick eyelashes. 

"You bet I am." 

The two walked out of the dressing room, Niall covering his face with the snap back and the sunglasses he had borrowed from Zayn. The blonde kept his head on the ground, watching his sneakers as the raven haired man guided the way. It was always like this, telling Niall to keep behind and away from public eye, not because they can't be seen together but because they couldn't afford to get caught. And it hurt Zayn, a lot

"What is this interview for?" Niall asked once the make up artist starting smashing powder across the raven haired man's face even though that wasn't even needed. 

"Mind of Mine," the tanned man answered, waiting for directions before he walked out on the stage. He glanced back to see his Princess giving him a million dollar smile, making his heart skip a beat. 

The crowd cheered watching the tanned man wave high to a few screaming fans and smile at the crowd. Niall could feel his heart swell with nothing but pride as he took in all the love these people displayed for Zayn, his boyfriend. He watched as the tanned man sat on the chair, smiling slightly to the interviewer who once again, wore too tight a dress for Niall's liking. He wasn't one to judge people based on the choice of their clothes but he also knew that Zayn had dated women before and even though he was cheating on Zayn, he still wanted the raven haired man to be loyal to him. 

"So how does it feel like to know that so many people all across the world are supporting you?" The question made the tanned man smile. 

"It feels great. I feel like I've accomplished something and it's the greatest feeling in the world," He smiled widely at the fans, making another roar of screams fill the crowd. He cursed inwardly at the sitting arrangements, he couldn't see Niall because his back was facing the blonde, thus he decided to imagine Niall's face when he answered the questions the interviewer asked. It was all going well until the final question came up. 

"Is the album for something special or is to prove to one direction that you're better off without them?" And Zayn has never wanted to punch someone so fucking badly simply because he could imagine his Princess frowning. 

AN/ Is it just me or is this turning out to be a Dark Ziall kinda fan fiction? 

And omg not even 3 chapters and this book is close to 100 votes! Thank you so much! This means a lot to me ! I'm glad you like it even though I'm not happy with this chapter at all! 


So :






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