Lexi Tomilinson Part 2

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Louis' POV

We've been waiting in the hospital for about an hour when the doctor came in me and Eleanor suddenly stood.

"Is she all alright" I asked a bit to demanding.

"Yes she is currently unconscious and will wake up either today or tomorrow but she had a major lung cancer attack and had stopped breathing for at least 45 minutes." The doctor informed us.

"Wait she has lung cancer?" I asked

"Why yes I thought her parents knew that" the doctor replied

"Oh we're not her parents we found her abandoned and living on the street a few days ago and brought her to live with us." I said

"Well sorry for the mistake but when she wakes up we will have to put her up for adoption unless you lovely couple would like to adopt her" The doctor says a small smile when he said the last part. I look at Eleanor who nods her head franticly. I smile "We would love to adopt her"

...1 hour later...

Still Louis' POV

We are currently in the doctors office filling out what seemed to be 1000 papers to adopt Alexis. El and I decided her last name to be Tomilinson since El's last name will be changed to that in a few years! Haha!!

I'm on the last page of the papers doing a happy dance when the doctor comes in and puts another stack of papers next to me. Man that doctor just threw a bomb on my happy dancer :( .

...1 more hour later...

Still Louis' POV

Done with ALL the papers and hand them to the doctor.

"Only both of you can stay in Alexis' room tonight since he hasn't woken up yet she is in room 116 floor 15 section D" the doctor informed us. we nod our heads and walk out the door.

WOW the elevator was broken so we walked up 15 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS. HOLY SHIT I might have an attack now even El was panting. Luckily her room was the first one. There was one recliner which I let El sleep on and I slept on a foldable plastic chair. this just isn't my day! Before I closed my eyes I took one last glance towards Alexis who had a tube in her nose and another one on her neck her hands had white bands on them with more tubes connecting with a little blood packet. Woah now that she's mine and El's daughter we have to make sure this doesn't happen ever again.

...The next day...

Still Louis' POV

I woke up to see Alexis moving in her bed, El was awake too. Lexi's eyes slowly open and she looks around and sits up. I guess in the middle of the night a doctor came and took the tubes out she can freely get up.

"Good morning princess" I say smiling like an idiot and I probably look like one to.

"What happened?" Lexi says in her adorable little girl voice.

"Well" El starts "You had a major lung cancer attack and you were unconscious the whole night. But the good news is me and Louis adopted you and are your new parents!"

"Really?!!" Lexi says and runs up to us hugging us.

"No it's all real I went to the doctored office this morning and we can leave right now." El says.

We walk to the office.

"Oh so you're awake" the doctor says smiling and hands us three cases of inhalers just in case. " Well you can leave just need to fill out 2 more applications"


........... ..........


2 questions

1 where do all of you live (what country/town)

2 how long should I keep the story going (10 chapters, 20 chapters, 30 chapters etc.)

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