Chara's Fault

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{Sans POV}

I woke up with Frisk sleeping and my phone going off.It was a call from.Mettaton!?.I answer it.

"Hello.....a-are you crying.....why......what'd wrong with Papyrus.....he what!..........No!.....He can't be!......"I hung up the phone.I slamed it on the table.

{Frisk POV}

I woke up and saw Sans crying his eye blue and fiery.

"S-Sans"I said.

He looked at me, he look depressed.I saw his tears.

"Sans! What's Wrong?!"I asked.

"P-Pap he, he's gone"Sans said.

I looked at him and I began to cry.

"Mettaton called and told me.....crying"Sans said.

"S-Sans"I said worrily as his eyes went blank and black.

"Whoever did this is ganna have a very bad time"Sans said as his voice got deeper.

"San-"I got cut off because he teleported away.

If it was Chara....she's in trouble....big trouble....

I got out of bed and went to Papyrus's room to get Sam.I opened the door and saw Chara holding Sam.

"Chara! Don't hurt her, please!"I begged as my eyes watered.

"Hmm...Kill...or not....kill...or not..." She said.

"Please!"I begged as I fell to my knees.

"FiNe BuT tElL sAnS hIs BrOtHeR iS pArT oF gAsTeR nOw"She said.She set Sam in his car seat and teleported away.

"Who's Gaster......'I whispered to myself.

Sam woke up.I herd the slam of a door and Sans walked in.He saw I had treat stained cheeks and he looked at Sam.

"What. Happened"He asked in an angry serious tone.

"Chara tried to kill Sam"I said still on my knees.I got up.

"Is Sam okay"He asked.

"Yes...."I said.

He sighed and looked around the room, Papyrus's room.

"Sans, Who's Gaster"I asked.

His eyes widened for a moment.

"H-He's my creator, why do you ask?" He asked.

"Chara said Papyrus was with Gaster" I said.

"I'm going to see Gaster, keep Sam safe."He said before he teleported away.

I picked up Sam and brought her to Toriel's.

I'm going to explain who Sam is....they never knew about her....

I went inside.

"Asriel!"I yelled.

Asriel ran in and Saw me.

"Where is Sans"Asriel asked worried.

I explained everything.

{Sans POV}

I teleported into the lab.

"Gaster where is my brother!?"I yelled.

Gaster teleported infront of me.

"I haven't seen you in years.....Sans..." He said.

"Where. Is. Papyrus"I said ny eye socket going blue.

"He's beat up, nearly killed.Sans you don't understand, I saved him from Chara"Gaster said.

My eye sockets went normal.I knew Gaster lost his ability to heal, long ago.

"Papyrus can be saved but you need to make a choice"Gaster said.

"What are my choices Ga-"I said but he cut me off.

"Dad"He said.

"Fine, what are my choices Dad"I asked.

"Eaither, I heal Papyrus but he becomes a hybrid, or you risk your whole life trying to save him"Gaster said.

Life or 99.9% Death.....

"Why are you letting me choose"I asked.

"I'm Not"He laughed as a switch activated.




Word Count: 531


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