Yugi shook his head and blinked, "Oh I do! I am surprised they are letting me go back. Dominick had my brain so messed up that I put him above my job there when I shouldn't have. I didn't think they would ever let me back."

Yami's smile returned, "So you are happy?!"

Yugi squealed in excitement; jumping out of the chair and landing in Yami's arms. The professor was not fully prepared for such a jump and took a few steps back and landed on the bed. Yugi erupted into giggles and Yami chuckled.

Yugi's giggle fit ceased suddenly, "Oh...."

Yami tilted his head, "But what if I'm not quite ready to go back to campus? And what if Dominick comes into the library and tries to take me back? And what if," Yami placed a finger over the youth's lips.

"Shhhh, Yugi. I promise you will be safe. I think now is a good time for you to start venturing back to campus. You may not think you are ready, but I know you are," Yami responded.

"But what if?" Yami's finger was placed back over Yugi's soft pink rose colored lips.

"You will be safe little one. The librarians will know to watch for him. If he does come in, you are able to go into the back where he will not be able to get to you. Campus security is just a phone call away; additionally, I will be there at the library as well. I have a few things I need to do to prepare for the fall classes. If we absolutely need to, we will get a restraining order placed on him. Okay?" Yami smiled a bright and confident smile at Yugi.

The youth returned his smile, "Thank you, Yami. I appreciate all of your help. I also want to say I am sorry."

Yami tilted his head, "For what?"

"For being such a burden these past seven months." Yugi's amethyst eyes looked down

"No, no Yugi," Yami embraced Yugi in a warm hug, "you are not a bother to me at all. I am happy to be able to help you and protect you. You are welcome to live here as long as you need and as long as you want," his crimson eyes smiled at the youth.

"But you haven't been sleeping in your bed. You gave me your bed. You have been sleeping on your couch for seven months," Yami's heart broke when he saw the regret and sadness present in Yugi's amethyst pools.

Yami gently raised Yugi's chin with two of his fingers so the boy would look him in the eyes, "I promise you, Yugi, you are not a burden. I do not mind the couch at all. It is very comfortable. Sometimes I even wonder if that couch is an alien in disguise," Yami joked.

Yugi raised an eyebrow, "Why do you say that?"

"Have you not noticed little one? Any time someone sits on that couch it is so comfortable that they fall asleep within ten minutes. You are included in that," Yami smiled as he traced a finger down the bridge of Yugi's nose.

Yugi wrinkled his little nose, "I do not."

Yami smiled, "You've fallen asleep on the couch at least five times so far."

"I don't remember that, every time I wake up, I am in the bed," Yugi's finger traced his lips in thought.

Yami smiled at him, "You are not hard to carry little one. I just move you to the bed when I am ready to sleep."

"You carry me?" Yugi's pale cheeks were decorated with a bright crimson blush. 

Yami nodded, "You are very light. It is really no trouble." 

Yugi locked Yami in his gaze, capturing and refusing to release the soul-searching  crimson. He smiled before standing and returning back to the laptop. 

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