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"The elders want to know if you've come to a decision about the council," Ilya asked after shaking hands and greeting her in a small diner. Jana had been living with the Collins family for close to a month now. It had definitely been a drastic change from the city life she was accustomed to. Trent's family had become like a family to her that she had longed for all those years in foster care. They took her in without any questions asked and brought her into their fold. Mr. Collins taught her how to run a tractor yesterday, If someone had told her a year ago she'd learn to drive a tractor she would have called bull shit, yet here she was. Trent's sisters took her under their wings, teaching her all the girly things no one had taken the time to teach her in the past. She was happy.

"Yes, I've made my decisions. I shall head the council along with Trent. Marcel, Andromeda, Petrova, Adaline, Penelope, Xander, Sandya, Patrick, Marigold, Roddie, Felix and Mr. Appleton shall also join. We will consult others if need be. I have a few listed but it would be helpful to have a list from the elders of more who are willing to help should the occasion arise."

"Agreed. I will get with the elders about their choices as well. Did you provide the profiles for each of these members for the elders as I asked?"

"Can I take your order?" the waitress interrupted.

"Yes, blueberry pancakes with three strips of bacon," Jana replied and looked to Ilya.

"A spanish omlet. Thank you." Jana gathered the menus, handing them to the server.

"Yes, I've included my observations from the weeks we spent out in the woods. From the beginning to the very last day. We were all changed out there."

"I'm sure you were. How could you not be?"

"How are Elyse and Ollie?"

"It's been decided by the elders that Ollie will under go some therapy. Overall, his mind wasn't severely damaged. We suspect due to the fact that Alanna's soul will be back again to meet him. He's just biding his time until then, the shock of losing her was just a bit too much for him to handle out there in the woods. Elyse on the other hand is in grave need of help. She has been taken to a home that will help her work through her pain. It's my hopes she'll come back to us one day, but she lost her soul mate and he won't be coming back. She also lost her best friend, both to the same monsters. She has a long life ahead of her to deal with that and it's going to be a very rocky path. I wish there was more that we could do, but the elders insisted after hearing how she snapped out there and all the remnants of those men she tortured... This was the best solution we have for her at this time."

"Is she allowed visitors?"

"Yes, but the visits have to be short for now. She's being closely monitored and she's considered very dangerous."

"I think having some familiar faces every once in a while might help her find herself again."

"We'll see."

"So do you have any idea how I became the hybrid yet?"

"No, we've been trying to research it, the only guess I can make is that casters and psychics are very close genetically and some how you just acquired the skills of both, instead of one shutting off the traits of the other. The doctors I've been conferring with have never seen another case like it, but they were clear that any children you have that possess your abilities would get these traits as well. Perhaps you're the beginning of something new and marvelous."

The Change of Fate (completed)Where stories live. Discover now