Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The next morning they decided to take inventory of what all they had working for them.

Two have the ability to fly. One healer. One that can control the weather. One fire breather. Four shape shifters. Two mediums. Four wolves. A handful with super speed and super strength. Three that can manipulate plant life. Two Vampires and a half breed. Two Mermaids. One Unicorn. One that can create illusions. One that can control light. One that can move things with his mind. One who can see through others eyes. A handful of ghosts. And one hybrid that can absorb any of the casters' powers as well as any ghost casters' powers and see into the future. Jana felt they were a pretty well-rounded group even if they were vastly out numbered. They were going to need to train, hard, if they were going to beat Sergei's forces and have more of a strategy this time versus flying by the seat of their pants as they did last time. And we know how well that had turned out. This time they would need to not only train with themselves but train together. Intermingle their skills and learn how they all worked, and how they could work together until they all flowed together as one.

They began their training as they had before with running, whoever this time they made up a few teams to run them like relays. The speed was evenly divided amongst the teams so the goal was that they had to work together as a team to be the most efficient and win. Next, they would partner up and carry their partner for a lap, and then their partner carry them a lap. As their strength increased so would the distance. They agreed they would not leave any man behind this time, no matter what. From there, they broke up into two groups based on their skills and worked out scenarios and learned more about each other and how they fight and use their powers. Then they would scrimmage against the other group, of course they wouldn't actually hurt each other but they would simulate the fight. The casters would also practice the spell to hold a bakhtak solid in case they were to come upon one. Each of them needed to be prepared.

Trent manipulated the large vine leading towards the other group skyward. Marcel used his super speed to launch himself on top of the vine and take off running up it towards the other group. Xander saw the attack coming, snapping the great vine with his mind. As Marcel begins to tumble towards the earth, a tree branch reaches out to snag him right out of the sky. The dragon flew in, diving for the opposing side. Sandya lifted up into the wind that swirled around her. She released a large blast of air hitting Mr. Appleton, knocking him out of the sky as his wings folded up to protect him. "The left side! He's gone around behind all that brush," shouted Stella. The tree bent to place Marcel on the ground. Bennie took off sprinting to the left side, running through the shrubbery. Jimmy popped up flashing brightly, blinding Bennie in the light. Being thrown off his course, Ollie took this opportunity to take off in another direction. He turned his head to look out behind him at the members chasing him, he suddenly felt a small hand on his chest. He turned to face Adaline appearing before his eyes.

"Gotcha," she said with a sly smile.

"Damn, you're good. I didn't know you could go invisible," Ollie responded.

"Comes with the illusions." She morphed back into a little fox, sporting eight tails waggling behind her as she trotted back through the trees in victory. Huh, she is pretty good. She'll be a good addition to the team. And that could be very useful for us.

Over dinner, the group wanted hear more about their sneaky new member. "So what are you exactly?" Alanna asked.

"Well I'm a fox," Adaline replied.

"Like a fox fox or like a werefox?" Ollie asked.

"Like a fox fox. All kitsune are fox and all fox are kitsune. Some are just more aware than others. We all start as the average fox as as our lives pass and our souls age we gain wisedom, and tails."

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