Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The screams sent a shudder through the nurse. Her life's work was to help people, how could she just sit here while her husband and all these children fought this battle and died while she hid comfortably, listening. That was the coward's way out and if Cricket was anything, it wasn't a coward. Her parents were new age hippies that believed in peace and love but she believed there could be no peace without first being war. She needed to get out there and fight, or at least heal those that were better equipped for fighting if she couldn't. "Elliot's not gonna like this, but " She pulled herself away from the rocky wall where she had been leaning and headed in the direction of the first screams she heard.

The vampire entered the cave where his soul mate was hiding out. He heard her breath out his name in pain to the dark figure in front of her. She dropped to the ground, her lifeless eyes glowing in what little light the cave still held. A tear fell from her cheek to clot the dust on the ground beneath her. The man turned to face Ollie as he began to shift back into his normal form. Ollie looked at himself in the face for a brief second before everything realigned. Before him stood a man of average build with his hair buzzed short, holding the love of his life's heart in his hand. The blood dripped in little pools to the floor. Glancing between her heart and her lifeless eyes, he felt his heart being ripped out as well. He felt as if time had stopped in that moment, stretching out his pain as far as it would go before time snapped back. The shifter before him, had barely noticed the shadowy figure in the entrance of the cave before Ollie had pounced on him, ripping away all of his padding. Plunging his own fist into the man's chest, the vampire squeezed his heart. The soldier let out an anguished yell as he tried to push Oliver off him. He quickly gave up when he realized pushing the vampire only hurt himself more as well as the strength of the vampire far out weighing his own. The heartbroken vampire sat across the waist of the man, pinning him to the cave floor. He wasn't going anywhere. He ripped out Alanna's heart and subsequently his heart as well, so Ollie wanted to repay the favor. The soldier gazed up in fear to meet Ollie's eyes glowing with fervor. The shifter knew then he wouldn't being leaving the cave and hoped he wouldn't suffer too much on the way out of this lifetime. He tried to beg for mercy, but found his requests shut down each time he tried to speak by the man sitting on him as he squeezed a little harder each time he opened his mouth. "You killed my soul mate, showing me or her no mercy so why would you ever think I would give you that luxury. You're going to die here today, and I'm going to make sure I enjoy it," Ollie said with a vengeful gleam in his eyes. Ollie took a small folding knife from his back pocket with his free hand. He flipped it open using his teeth to get it started. Normally, Ollie would have just drank the guy, but he deserved another circle of hell first. He slowly trailed the blade across the man's sternum, veering left at the gaping hole now present in his chest towards his arm. Ollie made quick work, lacerating his way up the side of the man's arm, followed by the other arm. Blood began to flood the ground surrounding the two men. Ollie held back from taking a taste as he wanted to watch the man squirm to get away. The man played his part just right until he became reacquainted with the crushing pain inside his chest. Ollie brought the blade back down to the soldiers belly, laying the blade flat on his flesh. Ollie began to wiggle the knife back and forth like a titter totter until in found purchase just under the man's skin. The man squirmed a bit as he was sliced, but Ollie held him tight with his thighs as he released the man's chest, bringing his hand to meet the blade in the other one. He pressed down on the skin as he sawed away, separating the flesh from the meat. The soldier writhed and screamed as he tried to escape his captor's clutches, with no luck, as Ollie continued filleting the man's skin from his body. After minutes of toying with the shifter like a mouse in a cat's paws, Ollie knew the man would soon pass out from the pain. He could barely keep his eyes open now. The vampire gave a quick smack to the fading shifter's face bringing him back. Ollie plunged his fist back into the man's chest, taking hold of his heart as he saw panic and finally relief flood the man's eyes before clinching his fist and ending it all. Ollie slowly rose to his feet, dusting off his knees before taking to Alanna's body. He sat beside her, pulling her body into his lap. He caressed the hair that had fallen into her eyes away and gently shut her light blue eyes. He planted a soft kiss to her forehead, whispering in her ear, "We'll meet again, my love. Please come find me, I'll be waiting and searching for you." He carefully laid her back down and got to his feet. He still had a mission to complete and now it was personal.

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