Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Jana looked up to see the wings flapping, as the dragon circled just below the tree tops. Thank god, some reinforcements. Then she noted the sound of branches snapping from behind Trent.

"Ah, it would appear we have some guests coming to join us," Sergei said snidely, just as Marcel broke through the tree line. Andromeda tore through the tree limbs behind him.

They spread out, creating a circle around the ancient vampire. He was covered from all sides. Eyes scanned from face to face in the circle. Plans formulated in each one. Trent noticed across from him Jana go very still, like she was seeing something that wasn't really there, perhaps see was. He mouthed his question to her. The gleam in her eyes told him she had had a vision and now knew how they would have a fighting chance against Sergei. She took a quick inventory of the people in the circle and a slight frown worked on her lips. Someone was missing from her mission for it to happen but who? What had she seen? Trent wondered to himself.

Marcel, Margot, Brad and Trent crouched down close to the ground. They looked like some set on starting blocks at the beginning of a race. The finish line was Sergei. They would come at him from all four directions, he couldn't stop all of them at once. Margot and Trent went low for the legs while the other two went for his head. There were several audible crunches and cracks that echoed into the trees as he was hit. The four picked themselves up from the ground to look at their work, but the monster followed them right back up onto his feet. He was unswayed by their attempt. They attacked him once more and he just shoved them off and tossed them to skitter across the rocky dust-covered ground. Brad had the wind knocked out of him as he slammed down flat on his back. Jana said a silent prayer that he didn't hit his head again. Marcel landed hard to his side, his feet lifting from the ground as he slid. He drifted so effortlessly it almost looked like he took a trip on a slip and slide.Trent was flung to his stomach, cutting grooves into the ground where his body had been. Margot rolled back over herself in a somersault across the clearing. Margot and Marcel stood first. Margot pulled a leaf from his hair, even in battle she kept herself looked perfect. Marcel swiped at the dirt on his shoulder. Trent stood, and never taking his eyes from Sergei he dug rocks out of his knees and belly. Body trickled down in small streams, bathing his legs and staining his shirt in its anger. The wolf stood slowly, letting out a raspy cough. Andie threw her trident with all her might at Sergei's back. In a flash he turned and caught it in the air just inches from purchase in his skin. He looked at the points on it before tossing it carelessly to the side. "Obviously, you all under estimate me. I'm older than all of you combined, yet you treat me as some spring chicken. You can't beat me," Sergei remarked. He turned in a circle to look at each of them. He let out a groan, more of irritation than pain, as the trident became embedded deep in his chest. The tines of the trident poking out of his back.

Jana let out a slight gasp of surprise. Where did that come from? How did I not see it? "Jana?" She turned slightly to see Petrova, Stephan, Doug and Jimmy approaching. Did one of them throw it? No they were too far back into the woods to reach it and throw it without me noticing. She saw a patch of orange fur flicker past her vision. Adaline.

"Hey, are all of you guys ok? Have you seen anyone else?" Jana asked the new arrivals.

"We're alright sugar," Stephan answered.

"But we haven't seen anyone else, we don't even know if there still is anyone else," Douglas added.

"Yes we do," Petrova remarked. All eyes turned to her. "Stella's still alive and I think she's trying to head here."

"How do you know that?" Jimmy asked.

"I felt her. She was in my head. I knew it was her so I wasn't worried, but I knew she was there."

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