Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Minutes later, Jana awoke to a woman about 30 years of age with hair the shade of midnight and eyes a deep shade of violet kneeling beside her. Jana tried to scramble away from the 3 adults toward the corner. "What happened? And what are you?" She vehemently spit at Ms. Brown.

"Well dear, you see that's what I was trying to explain," said Hendrickson. "Ms. Brown here is a shape shifter, she can change her appearance into anyone she likes. She's not going to hurt you so there's no reason to fear her. And Mrs. Appleton here is our nurse, she's a caster. You passed out and she healed you." Jana's eyes darted to the nurse.

"You're a witch?"

"Yes and no. We prefer the term casters," said the shy voiced nurse. "We cast spells, but not quite like what you're thinking. Each person has a specific type of spell they can cast. I, myself am a healer. All I can do is heal those around me. Some control the weather, some control other animals, you get the idea but we can only do one thing."

"You're married? Is your husband a 'caster'?"

Mrs. Appleton giggled," oh no honey, it's funny to think of him as a caster. He's a dragon."

"I'm sorry a what? Like a big, scaly lizard that breathes fire that knights slay? You married that? You can marry that?"

"Once again yes and no. He can breathe fire and he can grow scales, but in everyday life he looks like a normal man with incredible strength. He's like a shapeshifter but he only turns into a dragon. And yes we can be married, you can marry any of the types of people here. The human form for everyone here is compatible. The only ones that can't have kids are the made vampires."

"I'm sorry what's a made vampire? Aren't all vampires made? What am I talking about an hour ago I didn't even think they were real."

"OK good question, there are made vampires and born vampires. Made vampires were humans bitten to turn them into vampires,technically they're dead so they can't procreate. Born vampires are when two vampires have a child, also making it a vampire. They never had to die to turn them so they can have children and when a born vampire and a human have a child it's called a dhampyr."

"I've never heard of a dhampyr"

"Well it's similar to a vampire but without the weaknesses. Vampires need blood to maintain their super strength and their bodies, dhampyr don't. Blood will make them stronger but they can live without it."

"How is this safe to trap humans in a school with vampires, I'm going to be eaten and dead by the end of first period."

"No you won't, there is a strict no eating people policy here. The blood they drink is provided by blood bags, but some students choose to donate to their friends but you certainly don't have to if you're uncomfortable with that," Hendrickson interjected.

"Damn straight I'm uncomfortable with that, who's comfortable being eaten?"

"Also the cafeteria has specific lines for each species here, so the nutrition you need is always available to you, and this prevents cravings that could be otherwise dangerous."

"How will I know who's what?"

"You can just ask, after a while you'll be able to pick up on what other students might be. For example, when Ms. Brown walks around it has a fluidity to it like if water could walk and talk that's what it would look like. Vampires have the grace of a jungle cat and great reflexes. Mermaids swim better than anyone you've ever seen before, go figure. And fairies..."

"Let me guess, fly?"

"No, they're small like a gymnast. They also have more colorful hair. Females only fly during their season."

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