Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

"They'll be coming for us before long, we need to prepare here and then go and strike back," said Jana to the group.

"She's right, those Vetalas didn't just disappear. They've probably run back to Sergei and he'll know we're here now," Jimmy agreed.

They heard trees crack in the far distance.

"That's probably them now," said Alanna.

"It won't be much longer now," Mr. Appleton interjected.

"The Leshies can hold them off for a while, but they can't do it forever," added Trent.

"Well then I guess it's settled, well face them. We're much more prepared than when we first came out here. We'll get them to back up a bit and hopefully we can save whoever's left out there. But before we can do that, we need to hide this place. If we ever hope to come back the enemy can't know it's here. Everyone with the strength to needs to stack up rocks and lumber in front of this entrance. Marigold, Trent and Elyse can then move plant life to cover the rocks, so that it just looks like a rocky hill."

Everyone carried the rocks and wood they could manage with their strength level.stacking them carefully in the entrance to their home like a puzzle. I hope this works. I'm sure we'll have to come back here, but we need to push them back and see what we're really up against. Marigold flew up above to see how it looked from the top, helping the trolls manipulate the the moss and vines nearby to cover the cracks and holes. If I didn't know this was it, I would never have thought there was anything here at all.

They gathered their things and took the long way around back to the edge of the woods, they hoped they could get a glimpse of their opponent before having to actually head into battle. Each of them had a spear or bow and arrow strapped around them for easy access. Xander had made the bows and arrows for a couple of them that knew how to bow hunt. He carved arrows in a similar fashion to the spears and strapped tails to the end with some reeds. Trent helped him bend branches back to tie them to create the bow. The spears came in an assortment of sizes depending on its owners strength, speed and needs to be able to throw the javelin more aerodynamically. They traipsed through the brush, when they came closer to the breaking limbs they slowed down, stalking around the trees to peer at what was happening. The Leshy were flinging the Kelpie horses and devils out of the way, slamming their lifeless bodies into the trees and boulders. The Kelpies were coming? "We need to check out that lake when we come back," Margot answered her thoughts with a whisper.

"I bet that's where they're storing the souls they snatched," this time it was Perry. Jana turned to see the rest nod their concurrence. When they could tell the Leshies had the hordes of them managed they continued on.

They reached the field between the school and tree line, this would be the dangerous place. They were out in the open, hopefully no one looks out any windows. They deliberated, deciding that coming through the back entrance by the pool would probably be their safest bet. Andie and Perry led the way. The guards patrolling the doors to the front, missed the group as they crept up the side of the building to the barricaded door. The boys slowly peeled the boards away from the doors. On the other side of the door stood an unknown fate. It's now or never. Marigold slowly creaked it open, peering inside. "Looks like we're all clear, but we should still be quiet," Marigold said, the others nodded their confirmation.

Slowly one by one they slid in the half opened door. The pool glowed in the darkened room, providing them with light, even so Jana and Jimmy emitted a low light to guide the way. Walking around the pool Lexi caught movement from the corner of her eye, she whipped her head around to inspect the water. She came to a dead stop blocking the second half of the group. She reached a hand back tapping someone's shoulder. Whose she wasn't sure, but it really didn't matter. Someone, anyone just needed to confirm what she saw before her eyes. She felt someone come up to stand along side with her, "What the hell are those?" It was Ollie.

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