Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Bouncing around from foster home to foster home Jana had always felt out of place; like there was nowhere she truly belonged. She tried to hid her gifts, she knew better now. When she first went into the system she would tell her new family what she could do, and I guess they just thought it was the ramblings of a little girl who had lost her parents. Making up stories to deal with the trauma.

Driving home from the store, she slept in the back seat. She was unaware her life would soon change forever. A grizzly of a man decided he needed more beer for the incoming snow storm, already shnockered he had no business out on the roads. His wife told him she would go since she hadn't drank a drop, but he was not the type of man to be told what to do. He smacked her across the face with the back of his hand. A red streak popped up on her face instantly and began to swell, hopefully she'd be able to cover it up tomorrow and would need to come up with a new excuse- people were starting to suspect she was lying about falling and catching herself on the corner of a table. The streets were already slick with the wintery mix outside and somewhere between the alcohol and the slippery terrain he hit the Masterson's car head on leaving only 5 year old Jana in the back seat asleep to survive. The doctor's said if she hadn't been in such a deep sleep she probably wouldn't still be here either. Such lucky news, but it didn't really seem that lucky, not anymore. She should of seen it coming, the one thing that really mattered and she was just as oblivious as everyone else. Her daddy, Frank, used to always call her his lucky charm, but when it really mattered Frank and Margaret's luck had just simply run out; and so had Jana's.

Jana can't remember a whole lot about that night, but she does know she couldn't have had one of her normal visions because her parents would have listened. They were the only adults she'd met that knew about her condition, as Jana came to recognize it, and weren't scared away by it. They believed her, they believed in her, in a world full of skeptics. They saw it for what she knew it never would be again, a gift. Her own family had even been scared of it, they turned their backs on her mother and father years ago, and would rather stick a young child in the system than have a demon in their house. Someone else can adopt her.

She was that unconventional beauty that didn't get her many dates but people raved about all the same. She had long, wavy, auburn hair that glistened in the light like rubies in her hair as she walked. A walk the screamed she was confident about how tall she was or at least that she wasn't bothered about being just shy of six feet. Yes she'd heard the nasty comments made about her being so tall behind her back. She really didn't care if you thought she was a freak, she already knew she was, but not in the way you thought. So she was tall, it's not like she could really change that. What was she gonna do hack off her knees to make you happy, yea right. She was thin, but not supermodel thin. She was in a size 8- 10 these days but being tall made it look smaller. She had the kind of confidence to kick ass and win but not to look at anything but her shoes when walking down the hall. Her eyes a mysterious blue with hazel peeking out from around the pupils, like the sun being eclipsed. She wasn't the average teenage girl and people acted like that made her some sort of alien, but that was OK. She liked being alone; the people she got close to always seemed to leave or send her away so why get attached.

That's what brings her to this appointment with her new case worker. Apparently, Mrs. Ramsey finally found out about her gift from one of the other foster parents and doesn't want a psycho in her house. Because while she's a psychic what that really means to people that she's crazy or looking for attention and since she didn't tell her new foster family she must not be looking for attention after all. People are scared of the unknown, the things they can't quite touch or see.

She rapped on the heavy oak door, the plaque on the door reading Frederick Howard. This was the right place of course, she'd been to these offices every few months for the last 12 years, now that she could drive, her foster families no longer had to take that last awkward drive with her to return her like a shirt that doesn't fit. From inside she heard a smooth deep voice, if melted butter could talk it would sound like this man. She could only assume the voice asked her inside, but just the same she gently creaked the large door open and peeked her head in at the not overly large but tall man clacking away on his laptop. He looked rather nicely dressed for a man that deals with kids all day she thought. A nice charcoal 3-button suit with a mint green shirt on and a dark green tie with swirls that made feel like she would fall in a trance if she gazed to closely at it. It complimented his velvety skin that could only be described as cafe au lait, he definitely has to be new to the whole kids thing. He looked up from his laptop and their eyes met.

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