Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"It's time," Xander said to the sky. Margaret left to notify Jana. Xander focused on the locks of the building. The locks clicked open dropping to the ground.

"Ok you head back for the woods, we'll meet back with you there and head back to camp," said Stephan who know appear in all black SWAT gear to match the rest of the guards. He had changed his face so they wouldn't recognize him. He hauled Doug along with his hands loosely tied with rope. They marched along until they came to another guard. "I found this one near the edge of the woods during my patrol, I haven't caught any before now. I know I suck, but can you show me where to lock him up? I think he's one of the hybrid's friends. We aren't getting anything from that shifter upstairs, I think maybe this one might break."

"Yea follow me," the guard said in a gruff voice and led Stephan up the stairs, straight to their friends.

"Thanks," Stephan said as he walked away.

Penelope screamed and writhed as Stephan came through the door. "Penelope, Oh my God."

"It's ok, it's ok. Penelope, it's Stephan and Doug. They're here, they're going to save us," Jana said as Stephan shifted back into his normal colorful form. "She can't solidify her form though, she keeps shifting," Jana said to Stephan.

"She's broken."


"Yea they broke her, she'll eventually heal but she'll have a really hard time for a while. We need to get her back to Xander."

"Felix are you ready? Will you be able to turn and run?"

"Yea, they haven't come for the next draw yet. After that I'm not sure I'd be able to."

Rays of purple light began to radiate from Jana. The shield passed through the key pad and a rainbow of sparks flew left and right. Douglas and Stephan backed away, covering their eyes. There was a loud thunk and Jana gently pushed her door open. She repeated the process with Felix and then Penelope's cell. Doug walked in, picking up Penelope and unhooking her from the harness and electrodes. She couldn't stand so he would have to carry her. "Well bitches, I think we should peel out before someone notices." They turned out of the lock up and halfway down the hallway alarms began to sound. "Think they noticed. Run!" They high tailed it about halfway down when they heard the clunking of footsteps chasing them from above. At the bottom of the stairwell a gaggle of guards was encroaching on their left side. The took off towards the exit. They heard a loud crack and a bunch of tiny pings.

"What the hell was that?" Jana asked.

"Looks like they're shooting at us," Penelope said looking back from Doug's arms while the others fled.

"Crap! Now what?"

"Ummmm... Sugar? This may just be me and maybe I don't know how all this works but don't you have some kind of shielding powers right now?"

Wow! I'm dumb! "Duh! Keep running and I'll get them up." A purple film came down to surround them, pellets ricocheting off it. Once out the door, Felix morphed into a unicorn. His fur shone of midnight, his horn so reflective it was like a beacon glimmering in the night sky from the sunlight. His mane had been butchered but was beginning to grow back. This was the biggest horse Jana had ever seen. He knelt down on his front legs, muscles rippled through out his body. He doesn't look so frail now. The all climbed aboard. He took off like a shot towards the woods. It's a wonder anything was able to catch him at all. She fisted her hands hard into what was left of his silky soft fur. A few feet into the tree line they met with Xander. Xander kissed Penelope as Felix transformed back into his weakened human form. They took off dipping and dodging between trees until they were sure no one was still following. Jana had never realized before how beautiful the dark green of the lush forest had been. It was almost enchanting as twilight began to fall. She wasn't sure if it had always been this gorgeous or it she was deluded by her stay in the windowless room holding the glass cages. I'll never take windows and outside for granted again. Xander talked Douglas into handing Penelope over to him. He immediately nuzzled the top of her ever changing head with his cheek. She leaned her head back, and he laid a swift kiss on his lips, cheeks, nose and finally forehead. None of them matched but he didn't care as long as he had her in his arms.

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