Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Jana introduced herself to a spritely woman with thick, short brunette hair that was hard to believe was actually a loupe garou. Maybe that's how she got her hair so thick. She also had to stand in front of the class and tell them a little about her. She hadn't been this nervous in years. Her old school people just knew her as the freak and avoided her but her they all seemed very interested in the new girl and wanted to know about her. Maybe it was easier when people ran from me. Math was one of her best courses and she decided she'd make the best of it. Marcel sat one row over from her, how does Stella remember everyone's schedule so well. She scribbled a note on a scrap of graph paper, while Mrs. Nichols drew diagrams explaining how to find the limits of an equation, crumpled the paper up and tossed it over onto Marcel's desk. Stella suggested to just be straight up with Marcel, but that didn't mean she'd ask him out right here in the middle of class. She asked if he'd meet her outside after class to talk. The note plopped back in front of her on the desk. Unfolding the note she read his response sure, what about? She glanced over to see the inquisitive look on his face. She mouthed back at him I'll tell you after class. He nodded and shrugged. She could hardly focus, she spent the rest of class thinking of what she would say to him and trying to keep up her courage to ask. Her heart raced, he glanced over and she worried he could hear how loud her heart was pumping, she could hear so obviously everyone in the class could probably hear it too, but no one said a word about it.

The Bell rang and they shuffled out of the class as Jana exited the door Marcel grabbed her arm and tugged her over towards the gray lockers where he was standing. "You wanted to talk to me?" This is it my moment of truth. Make or break it time.

"Yea I ummm... I ummm... oh this is ridiculous, never mind."

"No just tell me," Marcel insisted. "Just tell me..."

"Ok... do you want to hang out with me sometime, you know like on a date? If you want you could come up to Stella and my suite tonight and watch a movie or something."

"Ummm... yea that'd be cool."

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to..."

"No I'd like to. I'll see you around 7:30?"

"Ummm... yea that'll be perfect," she said as he bent to kiss her cheek. No that was perfect, she thought. They calmly walked away and when he rounded the corner she scurried off to find Stella.

By seven o'clock Jana had showered, dried her hair into her signature beachy waves, put on her lucky jeans with the hole she patched in lace. She had just pulled some snacks from the oven when someone knocked at the door. Butterflies in her stomach, her chest began to flutter. This is it. She pranced over to the door and stopped to take a deep breath and opened the door.

"Wow, you look great," Marcel said. Stella had given the look her approval before heading off to study with Andromeda and Marigold.

"Thank you, you don't look half bad yourself. So which movie do you want to watch? Go pick one and I'll bring over the snacks."

He wandered over to the couch and shuffled through them while she brought over the plates. How domestic of you, her inner voice said. "Don't look, it'll be a surprise."

"Alright," she giggled and closed her eyes. God, why was am I so giddy. I need to tone it down before I scare him off.

"Ok, you can open them now." He inevitably picked some horror movie she had avoided watching with Stella for fear of nightmares, but what can a girl do. She did let him pick the movie.

Turns out she didn't need to be so worried about the nightmares after all. About 10 minutes into the movie Marcel put his arm around her shoulders. She curled her feet up underneath her and nuzzled into his chest a little bit. Before she knew it he had angled around her a touch and tipped her chin up to meet his lips with hers. It was such a sweet kiss, that her head started to spin. She didn't realize how much she had missed kissing someone until this very moment. It occurred to her that this was it, this was the moment people sang about. The moment people wrote about in book and talked about in movies. This was that moment where all time stopped and two souls melted together. How had she survived so long without this? He laid her down on the couch and nestled himself on top of her as his tongue teased at her lips. She dared to open her lips up to him where he greedily seized her tongue. They lay kissing like this for hours, when did the movie end? She didn't know, but it had. The lock on the door turned over and they both quickly sat up and straightened themselves out as Stella entered the room.

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