I watched Shawnie kiss him in front of me, and then look me in the eye after.

"I better not catch you touching her again." He walked off with Shawnie in his arms and I sat there, feeling so crushed.

The atmosphere felt different and I no longer wanted to stay. Especially considering the fact that I'd be watching some nigga feel on Shawnie all night when that's supposed to be me.

"Darron I'm about to roll out." I walked over to him from Shawnie table.


I kinda wanted more than sex from Shawnie, she was my true crush. I didn't know what else I wanted from her but it was more than just an intercourse. I'm not good at this love stuff, barely know what the true meaning is, but I just knew I wanted it from her. And she was giving it to someone else which hurt.


"Dom, what are you doing here?" I heard a familiar bubbly voice behind me.

I turned around. "Rose? I thought you had plans tonight." I gave her a short hug.

"I do." She gestured to the party.

"Ohhhhh I see."

"How do you know Jasmine?" She asked.

"That's my boys sister, he over there dancing with the under aged girls." I nodded in Randy's direction.

She turned her head to look and she laughed. That's when I noticed what she was wearing.

She had on a black dress that came down a little past her knees. The sleeves were lace and they came down to her elbow. She was the definition of sexy. Her chocolate skin looked good enough to eat.

Can You Stand The Rain came on and half of the crowd left and the others partnered up to slow dance.

Rose looked at me with her adorable soft eyes, and I knew that she was gonna ask.

"You wanna dance?"


I chuckled. "I don't dance."

I knew how to do the latest trends like the whip or the dab, but slow dancing or bumpin and grindin I can't do for some reason.

"Dance with me just this one time, Dom?" She smiled and grabbed my hand.

I sucked it up and followed her as she led the way to the floor.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and my arms lay flat at my side since I didn't know what to do with them.

She gently lifted up my hands and placed them around her back. She made me feel comfortable.

I ain't gone lie, my heart was beating fast as fuck. I didn't know what I was doing. Never was taught by a mom or never practiced with another woman. I didn't wanna make her uncomfortable because, this is Rose. But at the same time I wanted to grab her ass.

She put her head over my shoulder. "You've never danced before." She said.

"It's not my thing."

"Well you're pretty good at it."

I looked over Rose's shoulder and I saw Shawnie dancing with her new man and eyeing me as she grinded her hips into him.

I looked away, brushing her off.

The song went off and Rose and sat down.

"So you still coming to chill tomorrow?" I raised a brow.

She giggled. "Well I'm not doing anything later."

"Word? So you should stop by after this thing is over."

"I won't be staying long." She shook her head. "I'll let the youngins have their fun."

I laughed. "Well I'll see you later then?"

"Definitely." She smirked and walked away. She has a walk like a goddess.


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