Chapter 24: The So Called Sanctuary

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"We're close."

Carol said. She held Judith. Tyreese was ahead of her, holding the bags in his left hand. I stood in back, to protect Judith in case anything happened suddenly from behind.

"I'm gonna get you three there." she continued, speaking to both Tyreese and I. "Make sure you're safe."

We stopped when we came across another Terminus sign. "But I'm not gonna stay." Carol said.

Tyreese didn't respond. Last night, Carol confessed to Tyreese that she was the one who killed Karen and David at the prison. Tyreese forgave her, but so far he hasn't showed it much.

Carol took a step forward when we heard rustling in the trees. We all turned back, only to see a walker come out of the woods. She had a handcuff swinging from one of her wrists. Her hair was ratted and thin. One of her eyes were out of its socket, and half her mouth was sagging down.

Tyreese turned to Carol and took Judith from her. "I can't. Not yet." he said.

"You're gonna have to be able to." Carol walked to the walker and plunged her knife in the top of its head. She fell down with the walker next to her. She sat up and looked into the woods. When I saw her face turn pale, I knew something went wrong.

She looked at us and whispered, "More."

She quietly sprinted over, grabbed the bags and ran into the other side of the woods. Tyreese and Judith went after her, with me behind them. We hid behind a mountain of dirt, hoping the horde of walkers didn't spot us.

But that was the least of our worries. The walkers were headed straight towards us. Carol nodded towards her right, telling us to move. The second she stood up, gunshots were heard.

Then the horde turned around and staggered to the sound of the nonstop gunfire. It sounded pretty close, which meant that it must have been at Terminus. Once the walkers were out of sight, we went back to the track.

"The gunfire has to be from Terminus." I said.

"Someone was attacking them." said Carol. "Or they were attacking someone."

"You think Carl and the others are there?" I questioned.

"Do we even want to find out?" Tyreese followed.

Carol looked at him. "Yeah. There's another track due east. It'll get us there. We'll be real careful. We're gonna get answers. We're gonna find the others."

I nodded, but I couldn't help but feel like something bad is going to happen.


Carol stuck her hand out, making us stop suddenly. "Wait," she whispered.

"What is it?" Tyreese whispered back.


We glanced in her direction to see a small cabin. There was a blue-green car parked outside, and a man with a cap. The man had a walkie talkie in his jean pocket. He had a...firecracker in his hands. That was new.

Luckily, he couldn't see us because we were hidden behind a tree. I just hoped Judith didn't cry this time.

"10 minute count." A voice came from the walkie talkie in the man's pocket. "You screw up, you're on your own, Martin."

The man, whom I'm guessing is named Martin, took the walkie talkie out of his pocket and held it to his mouth. "You don't have to tell me. I wipe my own ass."

He got up and walked over to a bag with even more firecrackers. What is he doing with those?

"Alex didn't get it." Martin spoke into the walkie talkie. "See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news."

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