Chapter 18: So Used To Being Safe

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"Ouch!" I exclaimed, pulling back.

"Sorry," Tyreese apologized. "I'm not a doctor, you know."

"Yeah, I noticed." I scoffed and looked away from him.

Tyreese was tending to my shoulder. He was trying to get the bullet out from the exit wound. I told him a million times that I was fine, but even I couldn't keep up that lie long. It's when I passed out for a few minutes when Tyreese finally had enough and we settled down at an abandoned gas station.

He's been tending to it for two hours now.

When he touched my shoulder again and I winced, I decided that I had enough. "I'm done. I can't sit here another minute."

"Don't be stubborn, Bre-"

"I'm not stubborn." I cut him off.

"You can't go out there any longer without passing out every five minutes." Tyreese told me.

"Can I help?" Lizzie came over to us. "Carol taught me a little on how to treat a gunshot wound."

"And you couldn't have said that earlier?" I said through gritted teeth, my temper raising by the minute.

"I-I didn't think you'd wanted my help." She said nervously.

I sighed. "Okay. You can help."

Tyreese stepped aside and Lizzie finished what he attempted to start. She was very calm, and she looked like she knew what she was doing. I grimaced every couple of seconds, and it hurt like hell when she finally took out the bullet. But it felt better once she wrapped bandages that we got from the store across the gas station around my shoulder.

"Done." She smiled, proud of her work.

I examined my now bandaged shoulder, then glanced at the blond girl. "Good job, kid. Thanks."

She nodded and went back to her sister, who was holding a sleeping Judith. I looked at Tyreese. "What now?"

"We could stay here 'til we run out of rations." He replied, looking around the store.

"Yeah, that's not gonna be long." I said.

There wasn't much when we settled down here, and now there's barely anything left. We took care of about three or four walkers that was inside, but I know it won't be long until more come our way.

"Then we gotta get going." he said. "You good?"

I nodded. "I'm fine, as I was saying for the past day."

Ever since the Governor attacked the prison, we've been on the run, from what exactly, I don't know. The whole group got separated. There's absolutely nowhere to go. Nowhere to stay and wait for anyone from the group to come. I couldn't believe that we'd ever be reunited again.

"You're lucky you survived this long."

I forgot Tyreese and I were talking. I sat up from my seat I was sitting on and walked away.

"Brenda." Tyreese called out to me, but I kept on walking.

I didn't want to talk to him, let alone anyone. I went into the bathroom. Once, I opened the door, I gagged. It reeked of dead corpses, but there wasn't anything inside. There were flies hovering above the toilet seat. I couldn't stand there any longer, so I shut the door and went over behind the counter.

I checked under the desk for a gun. I remembered back to that day Rick made Michonne and I go on a run with him. He said that the owners usually had a license to keep a gun under the counters. But the gun from its holster was gone. Someone must have checked here already. I sighed and sat down on the floor.

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