Chapter 12: He Just Is

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Did I pack everything?

Yes, I did . . . I think. Whatever. It's not like I'd care if anything of mine goes missing. All I really have are my weapons.

I stood up from my bed and glanced around. In the corner of the room, my mother's bat was leaning against the wall. I grabbed it and stuffed it in my bag.

I sighed. I really am going to miss this place. Of course, I, along with others, disagreed with Rick's choice. We could have stayed and fought. This group is the strongest group I have ever seen since this thing started. But, whatever Rick says, goes.

I closed my cell door and walked over to Carl's cell. He was packing all of his stuff, but he looked angry. I couldn't blame him. Carl was one of the others who also disagreed with his father's decision.

Carl didn't look at me as I walked inside.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He went on packing. He then stood up and walked out of the cell, straight past me, without a word or a glance.

"Hey." I grabbed his arm and stopped him. "Don't give me that crap Carl. What's wrong?"

He shook his head. "What's wrong? This is where my mother died. This is where my sister was born. This is where I met you, Brenda. This is my home. And we're leaving because we're scared? That's what's wrong."

His bag over his shoulder, he stalked away.

I sighed again. Taking one last glance at the cell blocks, I put my bag over my shoulder and walked over to help pack our stuff in the car.

Carl and I went outside where Rick and the rest were. Rick stepped forward and put his hand on Carl's shoulder.

"Carl." He said, but Carl yanked away from him and put his bag in the car.

Rick glanced at me but I looked away. I went to help Beth fit all the stuff in the trunk of the car.

"What's wrong with him?" Beth asked me once Carl was in the car.

I shook my head. "Doesn't want to leave."

"Me neither." She sighed and closed the trunk.

"We're set." Maggie said.

"I'll go get Rick." said Michonne and walked back inside.

Last night, Michonne came back, surprising all of us. Rick told her about the deal; she took it lightly. Later, Daryl came back with bad news Merle. He wanted to stay and fight against the Governor. So did Michonne.

Rick and Michonne came back outside. Rick looked at Carl and sighed.

"Change of plans."

* * *

Once the gunfire started, we knew the battle had begun.

"I should be there." Carl said, looking at the Governor's people running away as our people shot at them.

"Rick said to stay here." I told him. "He doesn't want you getting hurt."

"I don't care what he wants." Carl snapped. "I can take care of myself."

I glanced at Hershel and Beth. We had no idea what had gotten into him.


I was stopped short when we heard leaves crunching.

"Hide." Hershel whispered.

Carl and I rushed over behind the bushes. Someone was running in this direction.

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