Unknown Secrets Known

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Nudge POV

"Very amusing" (y/n) said flatly. Both Angel and I stopped laughing immediately after hearing those words cross her lips. That was not her. That was not the lovable (y/n) I knew and loved. "(Y/n) it was just a j-joke" I stuttered looking at Angel who said "(y/n) are you okay?" I looked back at (y/n) and noticed something I thought I would never see. Fear and anger, both Angel and I clung to Max. We were afraid that (y/n) might explode and do something she would regret later.

Angel POV

"M-Max, what's wrong with (y-y/n)?" I asked as I clung to Max's arm. I had never seen her so angry and fearful, like there was something she wasn't telling us. "Are you keeping a secret from us?" Max asked as she hugged us. (Y/n) looked down at her lap and sighed, I let go of Max and crawled toward her. I looked into her (e/c) eyes and said "please tell us, we can help." She nodded and started her tale.

(Y/n) POV

"When we were all still at the school, I was separated from all the other experiments. I had my own cage but it was much bigger than others, I never knew why until I unlocked my door. I creeped out and found myself in the video surveillance room where there was a file with my name on it.

"In the file, I found information on myself and what they were doing to me. I found a tape in the file and decided to watch it. Bad idea. It was a video of what they did to me in a lab test, it w-was horrible" don't cry; don't cry "they injected me with a strange, red substance. Then I changed, it wasn't me. I killed three of the white coats in the room and one eraser.

"I couldn't finish the video because I was caught and thrown back into the cage. But then getting punished the next day by the erasers and Ari. I was created for one thing and one thing only, killing. And once a month I would have nightmares of the horrible things I was capable of. But the worst thing is, my form is inhuman. I am a demon in hiding, waiting for my next target.

"When you said Fang liked me, I thought of what I really was and knew if he truly loved me, he would have to deal with the monster that I am. Jeb, awhile back, made some pills for me to help stop the transformation. They work but it may be a matter of days before I flip the script and try to kill you all."

I couldn't continue my story, it hurt too much. As I started to sob, I felt tiny arms sneak around my waist to hug me. I looked and saw Angel giving me one of her big bear hugs, I squeezed back. I then felt two more pairs of arms around me, a group hug. Just what I needed. I put my head of Max's shoulder and silently cried. She patted my head while Nudge and Angel held my tight with love and forgiveness.

I couldn't ask for a better family!

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