Girl's Night part 2

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(Y/n) POV

"(Y/N)!!! Time for a fun night" said Angel as she burst through my door. I stared at her in shock but softened my gaze as I knew what she meant. Time to talk I thought as I cleared my bed to make room for everything. Just before they had arrived I thought only nudge would be here, looks like I was wrong. I decided to tell them about everything when the time was right. But first let's have some fun!

I looked at the beauties in front of me; all of them were in comfy clothes. Angel wore a pink and purple nightgown with lace down the front and back, Nudge wore a Septic Sam t-shirt with pink mustache pajama pants. Max on the other hand wore sweat pants and a tank top with wings that looked just like hers on it and I wore black short-shorts with a One Piece t-shirt.

Angel sat on Max's lap while Nudge sat between Max and me, the perfect circle. For a while we talked about random stuff, laughing and some tickling here and there. But then it got weird, I don't know how but it did. "So who has a crush on the boys?" asked Nudge while eating some of the snacks she had brought. "In what way?" asked Max,

Nudge looked at Angel and they both nodded. "FANG LIKES (Y/N)! FANG LIKES (Y/N)!" screamed Angel out of nowhere. I raised my eyebrow in a questioning manner. I looked at the other two, who were giggling with HUGE smirks on their faces. "Huh?" I said confused by the outburst of giggles and chuckles.


I couldn't stop laughing, it was too good. Now that I think about it that was probably why fang ran downstairs this morning. It made perfect sense! I looked at (y/n) and saw that she was totally confused and that made the laughter even worse. Then I stopped and wiped the tears form my eyes and said "Fang may or may not have crush on you." Honestly I could see why, she was a lovely girl and a good friend.

Her eyes grew wide with realization. "WHAT?!" she yelled as she jumped up from the bed. I laugh at her reaction but then quickly stopped once I looked into her eyes. Fear. I saw absolute fear, which was unexpected. "(y-y/n), are you okay?" I asked while mentally hitting myself for stuttering. She breathed deeply and then sat done "very amusing" she said flatly, very unlike herself.

Something is up.

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