Chapter Nine

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I went to the hospital to see if this is Xavier baby and it is. I drove to his house and knocked on the door. Xavier opened the door and looked at me.

"Hey I just came to say that the baby is yours and I want to know if you still want to be with me because Stephanie is getting in the way of everything?"

"Lex of course I want you, every moment I was with her I thought of you," he said holding my hand.

I hugged him and smiled. He kissed me and rubbed my stomach. I love him and I love that he's our child's father. I wouldn't trade him for anything or anyone.

We walked to my car and drove to the mall, today was all about me, him and the baby. We went to a baby store and bought as many things as we can, with his credit card of course.

"Hey, if we are going to have a child together we might as well find a house,"

"Lex we don't have the type of money for that yet, stop worrying about that. When the time is right we can live together," he said picking up more pacifiers.

"Stop yelling at me not everything has to be your way," I said looking at him.

"Wow Lex, we finally work things out and you want to become all Dracula on me, well fine I'm out of here text me when your Dracula stage is over," he said looking at me.

"Xavier I didn't-," I didn't get to finish because he was gone.

I payed for the things and left. I drove home and took a hot bath. I couldn't stop thinking about Xavier because I shouldn't have yelled at him for that, did he really deserve it? Or was it just my hormones? I have no idea but maybe we need a break from each other.


"Lex Lex Lex, come on we have to go," Stacy said as she pulled me out of bed.

"Stacy I will slap you if you don't let go of me",

Stacy let go and rubbed my stomach, I was glad to have a friend like her. She's like a better sister than Lucy is. Lucy was annoying and she still is. Especially with her dumb boyfriend.

By the time we got to school I was already having pains in my lower back. Gosh this baby is killing me. Xavier still hasn't talked to me since what happened at the baby store. All I wanted from him was an apology for the way he talked to me. What does he think I am, a dog? Ugh, I hate my life. I'm the shy girl and he's the soccer player, the soccer player and shy girl.

"Ms. Carson what is the answer?" Mrs. Miller yelled snapping me out my thoughts.

"Umm I don't know, sorry I'm just going through something,"

"Ms. Carson this is not a therapy session, focus or you can focus in detention," she said as her face turned like a strawberry.

I answered the question and got it correct obviously.

I just wanted school to end so I could go home and cry like a baby, I hate this place. All the teacher of course and some of the dumb students in my grade.

Finding out I was pregnant wasn't the best news of my life. I mean am I even qualified to have this baby and support it if Xavier won't even help me ugh. My life is shit.

The school day ended and all I did was lay in bed and think about every thing I put faith in. Like Xavier, me, my family, friends. Does anyone care I'm carrying a baby in me? Like ugh did I even tell my parents? I think I did. Oh well, they wouldn't care either they would probably kick me out and tell me to find a way to support myself and the baby. Why did my life have to be ruined? Why did I how to meet Xavier or even like him? He's a fuck boy. Does he just smash and pass every girl he dates or was I the first? Did he do the same to Stephanie? Ugh who am I kidding he's in love with that psychopath hoe.

Why do I deserve this?

Will Xavier come back to help Alexis take care if the baby or will he stay with Stephanie or even find someone new? Tell me what y'all think should happen next. See ya next week. Bye lovely's

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