Chapter 17: Together in Jannah!

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Hadi Bhai had left, and I decided to stay at Usra's place, as she would need someone by her side.

As soon as I reached her house, bhai emerged from the door and embraced me in his tightest hug. I couldn't breathe. He was crying. For a second, I thought Usra had passed... No no! I stopped all my negative thoughts and flushed them out of my head.

"How's Usra?!?!"

"NO Alina! Shut up. Lets take her to the hospital."

We drove to the near by hospital and I saw a body lying on the pavement, soaking wet.

"Stop!!!" I screamed, terrified to see someone in such a bad condition.

"What's wrong?" Bhai asked alarmed.

"who's that? Whoever it is, it's our duty to take him to the hospital and get him treated."

"Let it be Alina. Usra needs help asap."

"Are you hiding something, bhai? Bhai?!" the look on his face,
guilty? No!

Sad? No!

Furious? Yes!

"Stop the car this instant, or else I'm jumping out to save that guy. Islam doesn't teach us this. And so does my Hippocratic Oath!"

When I rushed to see who the person was, I was shocked to see Omar, half naked, bruised all over his face and body. Lying in the vicinity was a familiar hijab, had to be Usra's!! That's one of her favourites.

How I wanted to leave him there and ignore his condition, but that would be a shame on my profession, shame on my deen and beliefs. So we took them to the hospital and all through the way, Bhai didn't utter a word and I was too shocked to say one.

When Bhai finally narrated what he had seen, I felt like removing his oxygen mask and giving him a high dose of some rat poison and see him beg for his own death. But no! I will not. Because a good Muslimah shouldnt think of harming her fellow Muslims and as a doctor, haha forget about it.

Omar gained his conscious, and the first thing he saw was me standing right in front of him. I sat beside him, wanting to remove his oxygen mask, but I didn't. Instead I started,

"Assalaamualaikum Omar! I never in my wildest dream thought that you were a *** addict. And I also never knew the reason for you to hate me so much so you decided to ruin my life, and for what?! Allah alone knows. Shaitaan got the better of you every single time and it encouraged you and you encouraged him. So you never realised how deep you were falling in your own darkness. Think of this as a second chance, Allah swt offered you, because He is Ar Rahman! My brother could have easily killed you, or lying on the road, someone or the other definitely would. But you are here, alive. Imagine, you had died? What would you answer Allah? Shaitaan would ditch you there saying he never forced you. You wouldn't have anyone to go to! Take this second chance, this second life of yours, as way to change yourself for good. Please! I could easily kill you now, and no one would ever know. But I didn't. Because all our body and soul belongs to the Almighty! All I can ask you now is, never to show us your face and have a different life. Change yourself. Allahafiz!"

Saying this I stood up and was about to leave, when someone held my wrist, as if he was too weak to hold on to it.

"How dare you bloody...", before I could complete, he cut me mid sentence and continued with his voice shaking, "Alina! I'm sorry.... I don't know what was wrong with me! I don't deserve to live," that, he shouldn't have said.

"Ehh, I'm glad my philosophical lecture did have an effect on you. You don't have to apologise. I forgive you. And apologize to me, go apologise to our Rabb, and InShaAllah he will forgive you. And never again say you don't deserve to live, all of us deserve that. That's not our will, that's Allah's. Take care. And don't forget to never show us your face!" I added with a smile.

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