Chapter 4: Finals over!!

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"THIRD YEAR IS OFFICIALLY OVER!!!" Alina beamed with happiness.
"Aaahhh yess. Finally. Now all of us can have a good night's sleep." Erum added.
"It feels like forever since I had a proper sleep." We heard Usra say.
"So says the batch topper! Then what about students like us?!" I asked her mockingly.
"Okay stop it now! So..... What's the plan?!?!?" Usra asked successfully diverting the topic.

"Fooooooood!!!! I'm famished. Let's go to a hotel. What say??" Alina pleaded and all of us agreed.

Usra had her car. So the four of us hopped in and switched on the music player.
"Btw Usra, what's does this question mean?!" I showed her the question from today's paper.
"Not a clue babe." She answered.

"NO EXAM TALK. OR ELSE... I'LL KILL YOU" Alina demanded. And we replied 'Yes ma'am' in unison.

We reached the hotel and ordered every thing we could possibly eat. While we waited for the order, we started gossiping about random stuff.
"So how's Omar? Still that cheapo?" Alina asked usra.
Omar is her neighbour and none of us like him except usra. She says it's just a infatuation. Well we hope that way too. Every time we bump into him, he tries hitting on us. Like real cheap flirting. Gross.

"Fine, I guess. I just see him in the morning while he is working out. That's it. And if I happen to be on the terrace for some morning fresh air, we have a little random talk and then I leave. Non mehram alert!" She spoke smiling all this while.

"Happen to be there?! Coincidence? Hahaha we know you better than that." Erum started taunting her.

Now I knew what would happen!!!!

"At least I don't go sneaking around in different departments, unlike some people in my batch!" Usra shot back at Erum.

"Hahaha. Idiot!" Is all she could reply.

"What's up with Zain btw?" Erum asked Alina who didn't want to answer that question at all.

"Ummm, so before the finals, one day both of us were late to the posting. And when we reached, we saw something which I'm sure Alina didn't want to see" I elbow Alina while narrating the incident , who seemed lost but I knew that I had Erum and Usra's complete attention.
"So what happened was, Zain was explaining something to Myra like a completely normal person. Not like the Zain we know. Wasn't a good sight for Alina. And that stupid Myra was blushing for no freaking reason" I was continuing when Alina started speaking.

"Exactly! A normal Zain. And then the best part happened" sarcasm dripping in her every word.
"I was trying my best to act normal. So took a case with Aanu and had some questions about it. So I decided to ask an intern who wasn't him, and go towards Bilal explaining him my doubts...And then!!!! All of a sudden Zain came, told him something in his ear and both of them left, leaving me hanging there." Alina was super angry by now.

"Aww babe. That's okay. He is a psycho for sure." Usra tried calming her down.
"Yes. Obviously." In no time she was normal. As if she never told anything.

Alina is just... Alina !!!

All of us were busy having the delicious food that we ordered and some selfies too. That's what girls do! :p

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