Chapter 14: Tragedy.

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**Assalaamualaikum guys. Long wait, I know I'm sorry. Like really sorry. Was reading my Bestie's work,so was in a complete dilemma to write mine, because of inferiority complex! 😝

Yet she inspires me so much. I can proudly say that she is my new favourite author, and her book is just amazing, beyond words. <3

So do check out her work, 'FALLACIES IN OUR FATE'. I'd really appreciate it.

Dedicating this chapter to my amazing friend, AbstractMadness. Do read her book, mentioned above .

Lots of love! :*


"Good men are for good women, and good women are for good men" Surah Al Noor(24:26)

Usra's POV:

The atmosphere got way to hot in Aania's room. There was this huge misunderstanding between Erum and Aania. I left almost immediately, following Erum's steps, because the matter had gotten quite personal and it would be rude if I stayed and witnessed everything. Aania would have wanted me to be with at that moment, but she would definitely understand my departure.

I was driving back home, physically driving but mentally discussing issues with my own self. Life took a weird turn in all our lives, just before our finals. With humongous amount of Medicine, Surgery and gynecology to read for our exams, there was an equal amount of tension between all four us, concerning different issues. Well I really hope that we all sort things out, but I don't think Alina and I can ever be together. She hates Omar, for no freaking reason. He is a sweet soul.

Well, it's completely upto her whom she chooses to hate, and it's completely my decision whether I forgive her. And I choose not to!!

Couple of days later...

Things had sorted out at Aania's place, a very understanding family I must say. But on the other hand, Erum had uninstalled WhatsApp, switched off her phone. So there was no way to contact her. I could have gone to her house, but right now, all of us were busy studying for the LAST FINALS of our life. I had no clue about what's going on in Alina's life, but judging through her WhatsApp status, she seemed broken, and then happy, and now obviously the studying mode was on.

And about Omar, something seems quite wrong with that guy. I haven't seen him in days. The last time I saw him, which was like 2 or 3 weeks ago, he didn't converse properly at all. Well, I must admit, he is extremely moody, but I can handle it. *blushes*
And to my horror, all his posts from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram were missing. Allah knows why he deleted his amazing 8 pack pictures, pictures with some random hot girls, (which by the way irks me so much) and his shirtless modelling type pictures. His Instagram profile was bae. Oh sorry, he is bae. Haha, at least one sided.

Exams were right in the corner. None of us spoke to each other. We all HAD to pass. And I had to top like always. Then I could add my last gold medal into my Collection!

But truth be told, everything seems interesting when you sit right in front of the books, even blankly staring at the wall. I guess one quick glance at Omar can focus me back to my studies. Aahhh, when will that day come, when I'll have all the time in this world to sit and stare and have him stare back at me.

After exams, you dumb head!


The window of mine and his room were opposite to each, just like that Taylor Swift's song, You belong with me! But the distance between them wasn't that less. Yet, I could see his room.

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