Chapter 1.

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My head lay low as my pops and mom went at it again. Glass was breaking, tears were falling and hurtful things were being shared by one another.

Not once did I look up to see how everything looked around me. I was scared that something would slide across my face sending me to the hospital again.

"Amaris get your ass in that room" my father yelled slamming his hands on the dinning table.

I quickly ran into the only room we had which was shared by me and my mom. As soon as the door closed something hit it causing me to jump and place my hands to my heart.

Things were getting worse like they always did so I grabbed some over night clothes and made my way to Nolan's house like I always did.


"Ya pops done started war up in that Bitch didn't he ?"

"Yea but things were getting a little bit worse so I had to leave"

"Why don't you just come stay with me ? We got plenty of room here"

I lay my head on his chest ignoring his question knowing what it would soon lead to.

"Amaris go ahead and ignore me but don't think we ain't going to talk about this in the morning"

"Nolan shut the Fuck up I'm trying to sleep" I mumbled causing him to laugh and shut the lights.

"Goodnight" he said pulling my body to his as he rapped his arms around my waist to secure me.



I woke up near 8:00am giving me only an hour and a half to get back home before my pops noticed that I was gone.

Nolan's hands were still gripped around me tightly which only made it harder to leave the bed.

I pinched his hands and he only gripped me tighter causing me to cough and laugh at the same time.

"Where you going ?" He said in his deep raspy morning voice catching me off guard.

"U-Uhm I gotta get home before my pops realize that I'm gone so I'm about to take a shower"

"aight I'm going to go make breakfast and while we eat you gon' tell me why you still ain't accepting my offer"

I sucked my teeth and made my way in the bathroom cutting the shower on. I stayed in there for about 30 minutes and quickly put my clothes on.

The smell of breakfast hit my nose as I walked down stairs with the clothes I came here with in my hands.

"You need a bag for those?"

"Yeah I know where is at"

I grabbed the bag and threw my clothes in them tieng it after. The food was set on the table and I sat in front of the plate that had the most.

"Fat ass I was going to add more to that plate over there"

"Welp I'm already sitting down and my fat ass not getting up"

He laughed putting the rest of the pans in the sink rinsing it afterwards.

I was half done with my plate of food when he decided to sit down and start his.

"I'm full I'll see you later?" I said standing up from my chair putting my plate in the sink.

"If you don't sit down it's going to be a problem Amaris"

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