Chapter 26. The big day.

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Emily's pov** 2 month later**

"Where is it?" Stef asks looking through her make up bag.

"UGH! WHY CAN'T I FIND IT!?" She screams empting everything out of her make up bag.

"Calm down Stef, it's right here." Clara says handing her the bottle of foundation.

"Stef, you need to calm down." I say.

"I can't!" She says.

"Let me do your make up, you are going to mess it up." Savannah says grabbing the foundation from her hands.

"Stef, breath in and out." Belle says.

"But what if I mess up!? Forget me speech!?" She says.

"Stef, you got this, no matter what you do you know Zayn won't care." Clara says.

"He'll also be amazed by how pretty you look!" I say.

"Thank you guys, for always being here for me." She says.

"Group hug!" Savannah says and we all hug.

"Ok you got this! We are going to go out now." I say and she nods. Stef and I hug one last time before walking out.

I walk out with Savannah, Clara and Belle to the altar. I see the boys standing there.

I smile at Zayn and he smiles back. I can tell he is nervous. I then start hearing the wedding music. Everyone stands up and we all look over to see Stef standing there with her dad.

Zayn's pov

I hear the wedding music start playing, I look over to see Stef and her dad. Wow!

Once they come up Stef's dad kisses her then Stef and I link arms. I smile at her and walk up to the altar.

"You may kiss the bride!" The  guy says. As I kiss Stef confetti blasts through the air.

Everyone claps as we kiss.

"Go Zayn!" I hear one of the boys shouts. I see Stef roll her eyes.

Clara's pov

Once Zayn and Stef leave to there honeymoon Savannah and I take Dylan home.

"I love Dylan but why do we have to watch him? I have a life?" She says.

"Hey! So do I!" I say. "And probably because we live together." I say.

"So?" She says. I roll my eyes and get out of the car.

I go to the back seat and unbuckle Dylan.

I pick him up and walk inside.

Savannah's dog Lisa comes running to me.

"Hi girl!" I say petting her.

"I am going to feed Lisa." Savannah says walking outside.

"Also feed Penny!" I say handing my Shiba Inu to her. She grabs Penny and goes.

"Want some milk?" I ask Dylan. He claps. I smile and pour it into a baby bottle. I heat it up and place Dylan down in a high chair.

"Knock knock." I hear someone say coming in. I look to see Liam and Louis.

"How did you get in here?" I ask them.

"It was unlocked." Liam says kissing me.

"Where's Savannah?" Louis asks. I roll my eyes and point outside. He walks outside and I turn back to Dylan to see an empty bottle.

"You're done already?" I say to Dylan. He starts laughing.

 "You know, you will be a great mom." Liam says.

"And I am sure you will be a great dad." I say kissing Liam.

"And I hope Louis is an awesome father." Savannah says and we all look at her.

"Because i'm pregnant." She says.

Stef's pov

"I love Jamaica." I say relaxing on the Jamaican beach.

"That's why we are here." Zayn says kissing my forehead.

"I love you." I say turning to Zayn.

"I love you more, let's go to the hammock." He says and we both get up. We walk to the hammock and lay in.

"I wonder how Dylan is doing." I say and Zayn sighs.

"Baby he is fine, Clara and Savannah are watching him, it's not like they are out partying right now." he says and I nod.

"You're right, I guess it's just a new mom thing." I say.

"Now, why don't you say we head back to our hotel." Zayn says and I nod.

Belle's pov

"Hey, we are having a party at Clara and Savannah's house." Liam says.

"Why?" I ask.

"Cause Savannah and Louis have some big news." He says.

"OMG! They are getting married?!" I say.

"Wha- no! Tell the others to meet here at 5, bye." He says.

"Byee." I say.

Hey guys sorry for the short chapter! I am really sick, really busy, and I am working on my other stories! Hope you like it! And if there are any Michael(5SOS) girls out there who want to be in a new fan fic message me! Byeeee

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