Chapter 6. Moving in/shopping

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Niall's pov

"Emily, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her.

"Yes!" She says tackling me.

"Hey Em, van yo- nevermindmind." Savannah says hopping away.

"Now I have to pack, come on!" I say pulling her along to the moving van.


"Ok I have never ever.... Been kicked off a plane before." Clara says smiling at Savannah. We all watch as Savannah slowly puts a finger down.

"Care to explain?" I ask.

"No." She says.

"Savannah, if you don't we will throwaway your TOMS into the pool." Emily says and Savannah gasps.

"Fine!" She huffs. "When we were coming here Clara and I came a week early so on the flight I kinda uhm.... Had a little to much to drink and ya." She says fast.

"Ya you called this work dude fat and spilled your drink all over him then started making out with a hot guy on the plane.'' Clara says laughing. We all laugh.

"Hey, he gave me his number which I happen to have right here." She says popping it out.

"WHAT!?!?" Louis says.

"I am joking, I love you boyfriend." She says and we all gasp.

"When?" I ask.

"Before we went to the fair, he like proposed but instead of a million dollar ring he gave me a ring pop." She says. "And.... I have never ever.... made a myspace." She says and Belle puts a finger down.

"Really?!" Harry asks And she nods.

Clara's pov

"Ok.... I have never ever had a dream about One Direction!" Belle says. The lads and I put our finger down obviously cause we are in One Direction. I then see Clara and Savannah put a finger down.

"We got time, go ahead shaaaaaaaaaaare." Liam says.

"Uhm, actually I have to go.... feed my dog by!" Savannah says and runs off and they all look at me.

"Oh, I have to go feed.... my cat bye!" I say and run off. into Savannah's room and lock the door.

"SAVANNAH! CLARA!" Everyone says trying to break down the door.

"Sneak out?" Savannah whispers to me and I nod. Luckily her room is on the bottom so I get out and help her.

"Do you think you can run?" I as her.

"Ya." She says and throws the crutches away. "I was only suppose to use it for tomorrow but I didn't want to work so I used it for today also!" She says. Of course. I run to my car and get in with Savannah drive off.

"They are coming! They can't know our dreams!" I say looking behind.

"Don't worry, I got a plan." She smiles. "Go to the mall and put this hat and mustache on." She says handing me and hat and mustache.

"I can't, I am driving! And where did you get that?" I ask her.

"My pocket, and I will do it for you." She says putting the mustache on me. I look at her to see here wearing a hat and beard. I laugh and park and run out.

We go in the mall near a One Direction store. We see the boys run in.

"OH MY GOD! ONE DIRECTION AND BELLE, EMILY, AND STEF FROM ONE MIX!" Savannah shouts and then a bunch of girls run up to them. I see Liam glare at me and I smile. Savannah then pulls out a debit card we both share. "Shopping m'lady?''

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