About Ninety-four Percent

Start from the beginning

I can still remember the conversation we had when I first confronted him about the job offer.

"It's an amazing opportunity," I frown "to get to go to England and run the new company branch. Why would you let something like that go?"

"I'm letting that opportunity go," he smiles "because I have an even better one here."

"Really?" I ask surprised.

"Yeah," he nods "I have the opportunity to have a life with you and I think I'd be crazy to let that go."

"So you're not leaving?" I ask a slight crack in my voice.

"No," he shakes his head "I'm not leaving."

I realize now how silly it was to believe him. Of course he wouldn't deny such an offer especially not for someone who was sentenced to a year in prison.

Although, I'm being released six months early for good behavior. Or at least that's what they said, but I think their letting me out because they don't want Bull to kill me.

"I heard you're being released today," A voice says and I look up to see Scarlett.

"I am," I smile putting my journal down. "I just hope Bull doesn't do anything to interfere.

"She's locked away in solitary," Scarlett smiles. "I don't think they're going to allow her to interfere. "

"Its time," A guard yells.

"Thank you for everything Scarlett," I stand up and hug her. "You defended me from Bull countless of times and it almost got you killed."

"Don't get all emotional on me," she hugs me back. "Just promise me one thing."


"You'll write me once in a while," she says "and answer my calls."

"Look who's getting emotional now," I laugh.

"Shut up," she pushes me.

"I promise," I nod.


I walk out from behind the two large metal doors towards the street and see a familiar figure waiting for me.

"Noah," I run towards him and throw myself at him.

I'm finally completely free.

"Elle," he laughs swinging me around.

"I'm out," I laugh. "I'm finally out of that hell."

"Yes you are," he puts me down.

"Let's get out of here," I smile. "I want to go to my apartment."

"Are you sure?" he asks and I frown.

I need to go back to that apartment.

I need to say goodbye to Lydia.

To everything.

"Yes," I answer. "I love that apartment and I think I need some kind of closure."

"Closure with Elliot?" he asks and I shake my head.

I do need closure with him, but that apartment isn't going to give it to me.

"I need closure with what was my life for three years," I answer  "and that apartment was my home. I have a certain love for it."

"Okay," he smiles placing his hand on my cheek.

"Thank you," I nod.


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