Chapter Twelve

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I looked around the small tent I had been put in, it smelt like boy, like really badly. I opened all the doors to get some fresh air in and eradicate the smell, god I hope I never have sons if they smell this bad.

“Hello?” a voice called and I jumped up eager for company, a petite woman with copper hair was standing in the main area of the tent waiting for a reply. “I’m Katrina, Roran’s wife I got told to come see if you’re alright.”

“Oh lovely, I’m Aénor.” I grinned stepping forwards and shaking her hand, I wasn’t sure really whether to hug her or not so it came out a handshake.

“I see you’re airing out the tent, I don’t blame you.” she laughed sitting down on one of the wooden seats. “He’s older than me so never listens.”

“He’ll learn eventually.” I grinned sitting down next to her. “What is there to do around here?”

“Not much, mostly keeping ourselves busy making and mending things. We’re not allowed to help anywhere else; the men think it’s uncouth.”

“Isn’t the leader of the Varden a woman?” I asked frowning and she nodded looking a little annoyed.

“And Arya the elf is a woman, but they are the only two allowed to help out in any proper sense.” She sighed dramatically, “So I hear you’re the wife of the other rider, the one who’s with the empire, is he as bad as everyone makes out?”

“No.” I laughed and she grinned rolling her eyes, “He’s annoying as hell when he wants to be but he would never hurt me.”

“Of course you would say that.” she laughed shaking her head, “You’re his wife!”

“Actually, we’re not married.” I mumbled and her face widened in surprise. “And he is actually a good man; I’ve known him since we were like seven.” 

“Oh, well we’ll keep the first bit of information to ourselves.” Katrina whispered as I felt like some sort of whore and less like a loved partner. “Come and meet the other women, they’ll like having someone new to talk too.” 

I nodded pushing a smile to my lips as we walked out of the tent and towards, what was almost like the village centre. As we walked Katrina pointed out all the different people we passed and gave me a brief history, she knew practically everyone and everyone smiled at her as they passed.

“There you are, we need your opinion on what we should do.” A petite blonde woman called out upon seeing Katrina, “I’m Elain.” She smiled holding out a hand for me to take grinning, “Horst’s wife and mother of Baldor and Albriech.”

“Aénor.” I smiled not knowing how to carry on, I didn’t want all these women to hate me, that would be an incredibly bad thing.

“She’s Eragon’s sister.” Katrina stated bending down to coo at the little baby in the basket at Elain’s feet. “He told me himself.”

“Oh.” She smiled turning to me, “Are you any good with cooking?”

“I used to be a kitchen maid so I’d hope so.” I smiled and she grinned pulling out a list of ingredients which were available for them to use.

“I want to fight too!” a young boy shouted as he started to lose an argument with his mother an hour after first sitting down with Elain and Katrina with the ingredient list.

“You don’t even know how to hold a sword and no one will teach a child.” The mother sighed looking tired and worn down by her son. “I don’t want you to fight anyway.”

“Fine, I’ll learn so I can defend you.”

“Again, no one will teach you.” she sighed dramatically.

“I’ll teach him.” I said suddenly, surprising everyone in the large group, “I can use a sword, I’ll teach him as long as he promises only to use it for defence.”

“You know how to use a sword?” Katrina asked in shock.

“How do you think I impressed him?” I smirked and she giggled blushing as I ran off the grab two sturdy looking sticks.


She’s one of a kind, Sapphira said to Eragon as they watched Aénor and Loring’s young son fight with sticks on the edge of the camp. Her father’s Durza you say, I wouldn’t have guessed it. She’s so pure and good.

I know, but Murtagh really?

He did save us, he’s not entirely bad. Maybe he loves her.

I don’t think he’s capable of that, do you think it’s safe keeping her here?

She’s not hurting the boy; I think she just needs a place to fit in. Maybe I could talk to her, and see what her true intentions are.

I nodded at the thought, She had refused to have her mind read by the magicians earlier today, maybe she’d let us.

She’s in a precarious position, unmarried woman living with a man alone, sent here alone, no friends and no family apart from those who have passed.

I looked down again and they had stopped fighting, they both looked tired but happy enough. I watched as a few soldiers started towards them, unsure of what to do I watched. Surely they wouldn’t try anything with Loring’s son there, but I have no idea who these men are, they are not mine.

Loring’s son grabbed her skirts as the men got closer, a girlish giggle came from below and I watched as the men crumpled and Aénor lifted the terrified boy onto her hip and stepped over their bodies as they groaned in pain.

She’s a bit feisty.

I like her. Sapphira smirked puffing smoke as I climbed onto her back and we returned down to the camp.

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