Chapter Ten

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I sat biting the ends of my nails, Murtagh was due home today. He promised me it would only be ten days and then he’d be back and he also promised that on his way back he’d get some ginger so I could make a ginger cake.

I just wanted him back; even without Thorn being here occasionally putting in his two pence this manor was just way too quiet. But without Murtagh here I just felt so alone, even knowing he’s somewhere in the house or rooms puts me at ease, make it feel less like a prison.  Every slight noise I bolted to the windows in case it was them, but what if Galbatorix kept them longer, he was there a month last time.

“Aénor, you are crazy.” I sighed to myself as I climbed onto the windowsill to watch the setting sun over the gardens.  “How did you manage this, living in a huge manor with Murtagh and having nothing to do all day?” I mused pulling my hair around and plaiting it intricately.

Not only do I live here with Murtagh, but he’s mine. How it happened I don’t really know, just one week we weren’t talking and the next he was kissing me. God I can still remember how good that felt, how good it feels when he kisses me. It’s like the first time you manage something you’ve never done before, like riding a horse or shooting an arrow, both of which he taught me actually. That explosion of joy that makes your head dizzy and your toes curl in absolute bliss! 

“So I come home to find her asleep, dangling ten feet off the floor; tis a wonder I came back to her at all.” A deep voice broke through my dreams what felt like seconds later. I sat up, seeing the lack of light in the room and recognising the voice and figure in the doorway as Murtagh. “Don’t I get a hello?”

I grinned and jumped down so I could greet him properly, “You smell bad.” I laughed as he held me tight, nuzzling my hair as he did so.

“I’m sorry; I think it’s these clothes.” He frowned pulling away and taking a whiff of them himself. “I’ll have to wait till morning; it’s too late to bathe now.”

“Just get them off.” I laughed turning him around and pushing him through to his bedroom. “I’ll see you in the morning.” I smiled tiptoeing to kiss his cheek before trying to disappear.

His hand wrapped quickly around my wrist as he smiled at me, “It’s been over a week, stay with me?”

I looked down at his hand and then back up to him, I wanted to resist and tell him it wasn’t a good idea, but he had that smile on his lips, that little smile that rarely came out and melted everything about me. “Fine.”

“Don’t sound too excited, I’m only going to hold you while I sleep.” He muttered pulling me into his room and locking the doors behind us. “Get comfy while I burn these.”

I walked towards his large bed, it was bigger than mine but didn’t look as well kept, the sheets weren’t exactly dirty, but they were old and faded. I sat on the edge of the bed and it almost swallowed me whole, the mattress was ridiculously soft. How did he get up every morning?!

“You like?” he asked smirking again as he walked towards me, with just a loose pair of trousers on. “You sighed, like when you eat something really nice.”

“How do you wake up in the morning?” I asked lying back against the pillow and closing my eyes happily.

“I can tell you one thing; I have no reason to this time.” He whispered pulling me so my back was pressed against his chest before he blew out the candle and pulled us into the land of sleep.


I woke up to only see red, somehow during the night Aénor had twisted and her hair had fanned across my face and chest. It smelt good.  She emitted a soft sigh as I pulled myself away from her, quickly replacing the covers so the cool breeze wouldn’t wake her up.

Someone’s happy. Thorn said as I walked down through the manor towards the kitchens.

Oh I am. I grinned seeing him through the window as he relaxed in the morning sun.

In the kitchen I grabbed some bread and cheese before running back up the stairs before Aénor could wake up. When I pushed the door open she was still asleep, curled up exactly where I’d left her with a little smile upon her face.

I just smiled as I watched her, memorising everything about this moment right here. My home, my room and Aénor who also happens to be mine, or am I hers, either way I don’t mind. I placed the plate on the side and jumped onto the bed, bouncing her as I did so.

“Good morning.” I greeted as she opened an eye to look at me, the sheer brightness of the blue making me smile a little wider.

“Morning.” She mumbled turning onto her back, “Why aren’t you in bed still?”

“I got breakfast.” I stated and she looked interested. “Only bread and cheese.”

“I like cheese.”

I chuckled and pulled over the plate settling back against the headboard as we ate in silence. This is the best meal I’ve ever had, since she’s been here I’ve enjoyed every meal, but this is one that I’ll remember forever.

Aénor finished her cheese and rested her head on my shoulder, I wrapped an arm around her waist and closed my eyes again, her fingers ran through the hair on my chest as we relaxed.

“What did Galbatorix want?” she asked eventually.

“We’re going to attack the Varden soon; I had to be there for tactics and other things.” I muttered and I felt her nod her head against my chest. “Things are going to get really bad soon; I don’t want you to be caught up in all of this.”

“I’m going to be either way, I’m with you.”

“Go to the Varden.” I declared.

“What?” her voice was quiet and far away.

“If things start to get heavy, literally the next time I have to go back to Uru’baen. I want you to go to the Varden, Eragon will look after you.” I said running my hands through her red hair in a trance.


“My brother.” I whispered and she jumped up and grabbed my face.

“Since when have you had a brother?”

“Mother left when she was pregnant, Eragon was brought up by her brother. She died when she got back here; I have no idea whether she was going to take me too or not.” I shrugged and her face fell, it wasn’t pity for me the man, it was pity for me as a child, her fingers stroked my cheek as she listened. “He’s a good man, despite everything; he’ll look after you for me.”

“What about you?” she asked, her lower lip sticking out slightly as she got upset. “You won’t be welcome in the Varden, what’ll happen at the end?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged honestly as she curled against me, clawing herself closer. “But I know you’ll be safe if your there.”

“I don’t want to leave you.” she whispered after a while, “I’ve only just got you and your telling me I’ve got to leave you.”

“Only when I have to go, when things get bad, I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“I don’t want you to get hurt.” She pouted childishly.

“I’m less likely to get hurt if I know you are safe.” I stated finally pressing my lips against her hair. “I won’t be able to concentrate if I don’t know where you are.”

“So Eragon is safe?”

“Yes, he’ll treat you like a sister; he treated me like a brother before he even knew we were.” I sighed lifting her chin so she would look at me, “Will you go?”

“Just for you, I wouldn’t do it for anyone else.” She sighed kissing my lips quickly before resting her head on my chest again.

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