Chapter Four

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“You want one of my kitchen maids?” Galbatorix asked in disbelief, he’d just told me I could go for a bit while he plotted the new movements of the urgles and the new special force to see if they were adequate. “Why do you want a kitchen maid?”

“The one who cooks is very good.”

“So you’ll rid me of my dinner?”

“No, the chef prepares your dinners. The kitchen maid prepares breakfast for the guards and servants, she’s good.” I shrugged trying to look nonchalant about it all.

“Oh I see, she’s pretty and you want to make her your whore.” He smirked showing his aged yellow teeth. “Very well, I owe you something I suppose. Take the kitchen maid.”

“Thank you my Lord.” I said bowing very low, “I’ll be back within the month.”

“It’s been nearly a month and he’s still not slept with anyone, do you think he’s one of them?” a female voice asked as another gasped. “I mean it would make sense, he liked Aénor for one you’d have to be a bit queer to like her anyway.”

“That is true; I’ve always wondered why she’s never let a man into her rooms. Do you think she doesn’t like men?!” the other kitchen maid gasped as the first nodded. “It all makes sense; they obviously share a secret about one another.”

“Yes yes yes, although maybe we could get him to change his mind.”

“If we could get him naked then by all means we could.”

I stepped into the kitchens as the blonde housemaid opened her mouth in all eagerness to carry on their disputable plans; she looked up at me in horror at being caught. “Where’s Aénor?” I asked wanting to get out of here as quickly as possible.

“Cleaning the hearth.” The brunette stated pointing into the other room, where Aénor was still in hearing distance.

“Why do you want me?” she asked sitting back on her ankles to look back at me.

“I get to take you home with me!” I exclaimed throwing my arms out wide. “I asked because I’d be alone and I actually like your company.”

“Ok.” She shrugged turning back to the hearth.

“Aénor, go back we’ll need to be heading off soon if we want to get home before darkness falls.” I sang stepping closer to lift her to her feet. “You get a proper bedroom!”

“I can’t leave the hearth half cleaned.” She stated looking back at me, wiping her hands down her apron “And it won’t take me long to pack, I haven’t got too much.”

I frowned and cleaned the hearth for her before turning and frog marching her through the kitchens and towards the stairs I’d met her on a few mornings as she looked out on the sunrise. “Where is your room?”

“Right at the top.” She said wriggling free of my hands and taking the steps a few at a time till we were both running, racing each other to the top.

She pushed the door open and slipped inside, there was a small mattress on the floor against one side, a small set of drawers against the other and a small circular window sat opposite the door. “This is cosy.”

“It’s a cupboard.” She stated dryly looking at me over her shoulder. “How come I’m coming with you?”

“I hate Alyce and Careen.” I shrugged and she laughed shaking her head. “Because I want company and I happen to like you, as I said before.”

“Right.” She smiled grabbing a small bag and folding a few dresses into it. “Ready.”

“Is that seriously all you have?” I asked and she nodded.

“I’m just a kitchen maid Murtagh. We don’t own much.”

“What about all the things you had at your mother’s house?” I asked remembering all her pretty trinkets.

“Got inherited by people, nothing was mine.” She shrugged frowning slightly, “And it was years ago, nothing would fit me anymore.”


I followed Murtagh down the stairs and through the castle, feeling very much like I did all those years ago as I followed Alyce up to my new life. But this time I was looking forwards to it, Murtagh could be funny when he wanted to, Alyce just couldn’t. 

He hadn’t said a word to me since we left my room; he’d turned into one of those stern, strong, silent people almost like he was scared we were going to get stopped, as soon as he got to Thorn I froze.

The dragon was huge and more than a little intimidating. He was generally hunting whenever I was around Murtagh. “He doesn’t bite.” He laughed turning to see why I’d stopped. The dragon puffed smoke into the air, “Well he said he won’t bite you.”

“That isn’t funny.” I ground out staring up at the two of them who were obviously chatting away happily. “Am I going to ride?”

“Yeah, how else are we going to get there before dark?” he said like it was obvious, grabbing my bag from my hands and tying it to the large saddle upon Thorn. “Your turn.”

“I’m going to die halfway through this journey, I’m going to fall off and die.” I muttered climbing onto the creature, apologising as I got to the top.

“He said he’ll catch you and it didn’t hurt.” Murtagh smirked falling onto the seat behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. “Feel safer?”

“We’re not even flying yet.” I ground out gripping the leather straps so tightly my fingers started to turn blue.

“She doesn’t trust us.” Murtagh said out loud to Thorn who shook his head and we shook with what must have been laughter. “It’s like learning to swim...”

“Don’t you dare!” a scream ripped through me as Thorn jumped up into the air and I was slammed back against Murtagh’s chest. “You dick, I can’t believe your putting me through this.”

“You’ll get used to it.” he chuckled trying to loosen my grip on the leather thongs in my hands. “Let go or lose all your fingers.”

I let him loosen my grip, but I had the leather wrapped around my wrists so it would be harder to fall off. Eventually I felt confident enough to look over the edge of Thorn, big mistake, I felt myself go weak and pushed myself down against his neck as Murtagh laughed.

“You get used to it.” an evil smile crossed his lips as his hands left my waist, making me feel more vulnerable and he walked, yes WALKED, along the length of the dragon. “Thorn asks you to remove your heels from his side please.”

“Oh!” I said suddenly, realising I had wrapped myself around him as much as I possibly could. “Sorry.”

“You’ll see your new home in a few minutes, on the horizon.” He stated folding his arms across his chest.

I kept my eyes on him for slightly longer than I should have; his hair was being pushed back by the harsh winds, giving me a full view of his features, normally covered by his hair. He caught me staring and smirked before pointing to where I should have been looking instead.

My new home.

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