Chapter Seven

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I slipped into the shop beside Murtagh, I felt cheeky having him buy me some dresses, but every time I tried to distract him or dissuade him he just insisted on another dress!! A hand pressed to my waist as he led me towards the counter where two women were gossiping heavily.

“How can we help you sir?” the younger of the two women asked batting her long ashen eyelashes up at Murtagh, as jealous as I was of her eyelashes, I was even more jealous at what she was doing with them.

“I’m here to buy my wife some dresses.” He stated and I coughed, only just stopping myself from butting in, the hand at my waist pinched for my ascension. “We’d like three please.”

“Any colours?”

“Not lavender.” He stated before I could even open my mouth to answer her, I slapped his chest as he smirked.

“Dark serviceable colours, I don’t need three either. One will do.”

“Four.” He called over as the woman lead me towards the premade dresses, bolts of material and templates.

“Would your husband like to come and give his opinion?” the older of the women asked looking very much like she thought he ought too.

“No!” I declared as the young woman ran over to fetch him.

I scowled as he lowered his hood smirking at my annoyed face, “I think it’s a fine idea, I’ll be the one looking at them after all.”

“Not if I run away.” I growled letting him rile me up more than normal. “I’ll be picking them if I have to wear them.”

“It is not a woman’s place to argue with her husband.” The older woman hissed in my ear as she measured me.

“Would you like some clothes for the bed chamber?” the young woman asked leaning across the table to flash Murtagh.

“I think, we do.” he said having a good look.

“I don’t.” I growled glaring at him as he shrugged. 

How the hell had he gotten us into this!? I could have been his sister, his cousin even a niece would have passed but no. I’m his wife.

“If a woman is so indebted to her husband the least you could do is keep the silly whore away from said husband.” I snapped to the elder woman who was roughly measuring and pinning material about me.

“Nyssa, I need you to fetch water.” The woman stated, turning away from my glare.

“Thank you.” I grinned and she rolled her eyes. “I like the green.” I mused looking down at the dress I was currently wearing.

“The green is very good.” He stated looking rather severe but the glint in his eye told me otherwise. “We’ll have that one, and the dark blue.”

“The blue was nice.” I said staring at his profile reflected in the mirror. “What about the cream?”

“What happened to serviceable colours?” he drawled turning back to catch me looking at him, “Aénor, you always change your mind. Lord knows why I married you.”

“Oh haha.” I said turning to the older woman, “the cream too, nothing else.”

“I want that bed chamber outfit.” Murtagh stated.

“No one will be wearing it for you.” I stated turning to glare at him as he looked down smugly at me.

“Oh you will.” He whispered before wandering off leaving a bag of coins on the desk.

I watched him disappear from the shop as I repeated those last three words over and over again, Oh you will. What was that supposed to mean, was he just playing for the shop keepers? Surely he was just playing up for the shop keepers.

But he was watching me over breakfast, and that look in his eye was almost feral when he said it, Oh you will. Damn him, damn him to hell for making me confused! He’s always did this, I just wish it was like it used to be and I just didn’t know what prank he was going to pull on me next. This is much more terrifying.


I watched as she danced around the kitchens preparing the evening meal, Thorn had settled himself near the large windows and had stuck his head in. What do you plan to do now? He asked me, flicking his eyes towards Aénor.

Nothing, there is nothing I can do.

Oh I’m sure if you take her she won’t mind.

Human women are a lot different to yours, anyway this is Aénor; I’ve known her for years.

I see no issue; in fact doesn’t that make it easier?

When you find a woman who likes you, then you can give me advice. I snapped glaring at him as he chuckled, causing Aénor to turn to look at him.

“What are you two talking about?” she asked looking between the two of us.

“Nothing.” I said quickly as Thorn nudged her arm.

“Were you talking about me?” she asked ignoring me completely, the traitor nodded. “Murtagh, what were you talking about before I try and talk to your dragon.”

“It was all nice.” I shrugged and she shook her head not impressed as she leant over to touch Thorn’s head to speak to him telepathically before I could reach her.

“Oh.” She said eyebrow’s high and mouth open.

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