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I walked into the camp feeling hundreds of eyes slowly fall onto me as I walked, murmurs spread around me as I continued to the larger tents in the middle of the camp. I had no idea why I was doing this, I didn’t want to do this I’m only here because he made me promise I would come, made me promise that if things started getting heated I would run away to the Varden.

“Who are you and why are you here?” a large blonde man asked, a beard covered half of his face and his large strong arms crossed over his chest as he looked down at me. “How old are you anyway?”

“I’m nineteen, and I seek the protection of Eragon.” I stated and he raised a single eyebrow mocking me.

“Everyone seeks the protection of my cousin.” He snorted and I glared up at him. “Why do you think you should have his protection when there are others here maybe even more worthy of his protection that you, a seemingly healthy, young woman?”

“Because I’m his sister.” I stated and the man frowned looking me once over. “Kind of, anyway I haven’t been told of you Cousin of Eragon so why should I tell you my problems?”

“Come with me.” he stated opening an arm for me to walk beside him. “How long were you travelling for?”

“Three days, I left as soon as trouble started in the empire.”

“So we should expect him soon?”

“Who?” I asked looking up at him as he frowned in thought.

“The other rider, the one who champions the empire and does all its evil deeds.” He growled, “Murtagh.”

I nodded and stayed silent until he asked me my name, “Aénor, Daughter of Leila.”

“And your father?”

“I don’t think that’s appropriate.” I replied with a tight smile.

“I think it is.” A different voice joined them as they stood in front of a doorway.

I jerked around and saw the sun bleached hair of the man who must be Eragon, his voice sounded like his and they had the same eyes, but that’s where the similarities ended. I let out a sigh and held out my hand. “Aénor.”

“Eragon.” He said shaking it, looking at his cousin. “Why are you here?”

“She says she needs your protection, because she is your sister.” Roran stated and Eragon’s face grew hard as he turned back down to me.

“Who sent you here?” he growled grabbing my shoulders and moving me into the room where the door was quickly locked behind me, “Why are you here?”

My mouth gaped like a fish as I looked between his hard angry face and Roran’s now slightly friendlier, confused face before sighing. “It’s a long story really.”

“Oh you are not going anywhere soon.”

Fortified Minds, An Inheritance FfWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu