Chapter 23

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Tanya POV

We had just come from hunting and decided to just walk around the castle for a bit. We were in the hallway that the thrown room was in when we saw the Cullen's coming near us. We all gave them death glares. They seemed shocked that we did that but kept coming towards us. When they were 5 feet away the stopped walking and smiled at us, while we just glared. Carlisle cleared his throat and started talking.

"Denali's, it's so good to see you guys. We haven't heard from you guys in 2 centuries, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing really, just avoiding you guys." Kate sneered. The Cullen's looked hurt but I couldn't give a rats tail about them. They left my sister and put her through hell.

"Oh, why is that?" Alice asked.

"You left Bella and put her through hell. When she was in Alaska for Volturi business, she ran into us and told us what happened. Since then she has always been our sister and apart of our family. And since that day we have hated you guys and still do." I yelled at them.

They all stared at me dumbstruck. All of our glares hardened as they tried to think of something to say back. After a couple of minutes, Edward spoke.

"I left Bella to protect her. I didn't want to have her in danger of the Volturi. I love her with all my heart. It pained me to be away from her but I had to. I didn't think she would come here. If your going to be mad, then be mad at me, not my family. They were only respecting my decision."

"We don't care that you guys still love her. We don't want to see her get hurt. If she wants to get back with Edward, then we will be with her, but if she wants to stay with Alec then we will be with her. But, if she chooses Edward, then you hurt her, say good bye to your life." Irina threatened. We all turned around and headed back to our room.

Edward POV

The Denali's walked away after Irina said that. We all turned to each other. We all had on different expressions. Esme was hurt, Carlisle was sad, Emmett was in shock, Rosalie was sad, Alice was hurt and sad, Jasper had a look of pain from getting all the emotions.

"We should head back to our room and talk about what happened." I suggested.

Everyone nodded and we walked back to our room. On the way back I decided to see what everyone was thinking.

Carlisle thoughts- oh god. What did we do? We lost Bella and the Denali's. We will have to work double to get them all back. I really missed Eleazar these passed 2 centuries.

Esme thoughts- I'm losing my family. First Bella then the Denali's, what are we going to do? I hope we can resolve everything.

I decided to stop listening to their thoughts. We arrived at our room and sat down on the couch. Carlisle was the first to speak.

"Ok, we know what we have done. All we have to do is get them to forgive us."

"But how?" Rosalie questioned.

"We show them that we don't want to hurt Bella anymore and we earn Bella's forgiveness as well." Alice said.

We all nodded and went to do our own thing for the rest of the day.

Alec POV

We had just gotten back to the castle and I had to think of some excuse to get away from Bella and got to see my girl. I decided to say that I was going to eat since I needed to do that as well.

"Hey baby, I'm gonna go and feed. I haven't done that in a while. I'll be back by tonight, I love you Bella boo." I said. Using her nickname and giving her a quick kiss before running off.

When I was far enough that Bella or any vampire would hear, I pulled out my phone and called Maria.
(A/N M=Maria A=Alec)

A: hey babe
M: hey, what's up?
A: we can meet up now, I'm back
M: awesome. I have missed our alone times. Where do you want to meet?
A: how about the next town near Volterra? We can hunt together and I didn't tell Bella that I'll be back until tonight

M: sounds good. See you there.

I ran to the next town and immediately followed Maria's sent to where she already had 10 drunk men waiting for a feed. I gave her a quick kiss before we dug into the humans. After we fed, we found a nice place to have some fun.


Hey guys,

Here is another update. Longer than the other one. I am sorry about that short one.

Just in case you didn't figure it out, Maria is Jasper Maria. There is a picture of her above.

Anyway, enjoy, vote, comment


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