Chapter 14

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Dedicated to CriminalBones
Edward POV

After she yelled at me she took off into the trees and ran. I went to run after her but the Volturi guards pinned me to the ground and Alec told them that if any one of us tried to escape then kill us. It killed me not being able to not go after her and make her believe me. I was still in a bit of shock that Bella was married to someone that wasn't me, and how she yelled and swore at me, I thought I would never here Bella do that. I have to say through, she does look hot when she is made.

After about 5 minutes of the guards holding me to the ground, one of the guards got a phone call from Alec saying to let us go and telling us not to follow he hung up. After passing on the message the guards left. I turned to my family, they all had pity in their eyes.

"Edward, I know you want her back and we will get her back soon, but first let's go home and talk." Carlisle said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

We all nodded and started running home. On the way home we all caught a couple of deer's to snack on. When we got home we all went up to change before Carlisle and Esme called a family meeting. We all gathered at our places at the dinning room table.

"Ok, so you all know why I have called a family meeting, we need to get Bella back." Carlisle said.

"Yes, I want my little sis back." Yelled Emmett.

"And I want my mate back." I added, into Emmett's comment.

"Ok, does anyone have any ideas on how to go by this?" Esme questioned.

"How about we just go to the Volturi castle and stay with them, that way we can see Bella when ever we want." Rosalie said.

We all looked at each other in agreement.

"Alright, everyone go and pack, we will be taking the next flight to Volterra." Carlisle told us.

We all raced up stairs to pack. I wasn't really looking at what I was packing, I was just throwing things into the suitcase. I was just to busy thinking of ways to win my Bella back.

Aro POV ( the next day )

My brothers and I were just sitting in the thrown room talking when the door burst open and Jane walked in.

"Masters, the Cullen clan are here, and they wish to speak with Bella." Jane said, sneering when saying the Cullen clan and angry is clear in her voice.

"Bring them in here, and don't tell Bella that they are here. I want to have a little chat with them first." I said, my brothers nodding at what I said.

"Yes master Aro." Jane bowed then ran out to fetch the Cullen's.

My brothers and I just sat there quietly, waiting for the Cullen's to show. When they walked in they had hopeful faces on but when they saw Bella   wasn't in the room, their faces dropped. Edward was the first to speak surprisedly, I would have expected Carlisle to speak.

"Where is Bella?" Edward said.

Some of the guards chuckled at that. When it was silent again, I answered his question.

"Queen Bella, will join us in a minute." I said, making sure they heard the word Queen clearly and by the looks on their faces, they did.

"Did you just say 'Queen Bella'?" Asked Esme.

"Yes I did, and welcome to Volterra." I said.

"Thankyou Aro." Replied Carlisle.

"Now, before you see Bella, I just have a few things to say." I told them, they all nodded their heads. "If you hurt our Bella in any way you will pay, she is precise to us. If you disrespect her, I suggest you run. If  she tells you to leave then leave. Oh and Edward, she is with Alec now, she has moved on and is happy. If you make a move in her, I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF understand?" I said, my voice starting out nice but getting louder and madder.

"We all understand, and so does Edward, we know she is precise to you and we just want to talk to Bella." Carlisle said, with everyone nodding.

"Good" I replied.

"So, can we see Bella now?" Questioned Emmett.

"In a minute, I just need to tell her myself that you are here." I answered before turning to one of my guards " go and fetch Queen Bella, and tell her to come to the sound proof room before coming straight beck here, understand?" The guard nodded before leaving and I turned back to the Cullen's " we will be back shortly" I said, before leaving, with my brothers by my side to the sound proof room. 

Bella POV

It has officially been a day since I have seen the Cullen's. I am surprised that they haven't shown up here sooner, but I know it is just a matter of time before they do.

I was currently just sitting in my office, trying to get some paper work done. I had planed on doing this when I had gotten back from hunting but Alec being Alec decided to stop me and took me to our room for some fun.

Just as I was about to pick up another folder, one of the guards walked in.

"Queen Bella, kings Aro, Marcus and Caius, wish to speak with you in the sound proof room." The guard bowed before walking off.

I got up and walked out of my office, thinking why they would want to talk to me in private for.

I got to the sound proof room. All it had in there were couches and a table for magazines on it. The walls are just plain white. The kings decided to get a sound proof room for meetings, when they didn't want other vampires hearing.

Aro, Marcus and Caius, were all sitting there, just reading waiting for me to show up, by the looks of it. When I walked in they looked up from there books and came over to give me a hug and a kiss each before taking their seats, with me taking mine.

"Bella, we wanted to tell you this in here, just in case you want to throw things bit you are expecting this so you might not but Bella, the Cullen's are in the thrown room right now." Aro told me.


So here you go, I hope you enjoyed it.  Anyway enjoy the chapter and Thankyou for everyone who has told me that it is a good book.


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