Chapter 2

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Bella POV
The burning just won't stop. It's to painful, it feels like someone is burning me alive and I want it to stop. I don't know how long this burning has has been going on for, maybe days, weeks, months but it feels like years. I want to scream but I can't find my voice through this burning.

The burning fades from my finger tips and starts to fade my body until there is just burning in my throat. I open my eyes and can see every thing much more clearly from when I was a human. I can hear foot steps from what seems to be from down the hall. I look to my right to see Jane sitting in a chair watching me.

"Wow" I said amazed.

"Wow, it is indeed" Jane said and laughed at how amazed I was.

"How long was I going through the transition from human to vampire?" I asked, curious.

"3 days" Jane said, watching my expression.

I was shocked because it felt like more than 3 days more like 10 days "It felt Like more than 3 days" I told Jane.

Jane laughed her musical like laugh and said "I know it does".
But I wasn't paying attention the burning in my throat had gotten worse. Jane noticed my expression and said "How about we go and get you some humans to feed on."

I looked at Jane and said "I'm NOT going to hurt humans, I prefer to drink animals instead."
Jane looked at me shocked for a moment then recovered and said "We will have to ask Aro."

I got up and followed Jane to the door, down multiple corridors, down 3 sets of stairs and through double doors that led to the thrown room. Aro looked up and smiled when he saw who walked in.

"Bella, how good it is to see you have transition perfectly into a vampire." Aro said to me.

I smiled at Aro and nodded.

"Jane, why haven't you taken Bella to go feed, she must be thirsty." Aro said to Jane with disapproval.

"Bella wanted to ask you something" Jane said, turning to face me and so did Aro.

"Aro, I am grateful for you turning me into a vampire but I can't harm humans. So, I would like it if I could feed off animals instead of humans?" I asked Aro, carefully watching his expression. For a moment Aro looked mad but he calmed him self down and nodded.

"Of coarse Bella, you can hunt animals, you don't need to ask" Aro said, smiling at me.

"Thankyou Aro" I said shocked a bit by what he said and took a quick glance at Jane to see her shocked as well.

"Your very welcome Bella, now go hunt you have to be thirsty by now." Aro said, shooing us away.
We ran out of the Volturi castle, through the quite city of Volterra, over a wall and into a forest. I stopped and looked at Jane.

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Close your eyes and use your hearing and smell and then once you find an animal and then let your instincts take over." Jane said, leaning against a tree looking at me.

I closed my eyes and listened. I could here the wind, the trees blowing but I could also hear a heartbeat that was definitely was not human. I smelled and scrunched up my nose, the animal smelt like it hadn't cleaned itself since birth. I heard someone laugh and I knew it must have been Jane laughing at my expression but I ignored her and I let my instincts take over. I ran to the deer and pounced, snapped the neck and drank. When I Was I looked to see Jane looking at me with an disgusted expression.

"What?" I asked her.

"How can you do that?, they smell disgusting" Jane asked.
I shrugged and said "It's better than hunting humans." I heard Jane laugh as I ran off to find some more deer. After finding 5 more I was done. I looked down to see my clothes were torn. I will have to change I thought. When I looked back up Jane was there with with a smile on her face and asked "Are you finished?"

"Yes" I said and followed Jane back to Volterra.
In Volturi castle
------------------------------------------------------ Jane and I walked to the thrown room because Aro wanted to see me. When we walk in, there was Aro and 2 others sitting in the thrones and 3 other vampires in the room. Aro looked and smiled at me.

"Welcome back Bella, how was your hunt?" Aro asked.

" it was good, thankyou Aro" I said politely.

"Bella I would like you to meet my brother Caius" Aro said and pointed to the one on his left.

Caius looked at me and I looked at him. He had long blonde hair and crimson red eyes. " and this is my other brother Marcus" Aro said when I looked back at him, he pointed to the man on his right. He had long brown hair and crimson red eyes as well." so you have now meet Caius and Marcus, time for you to meet everyone else in here." he pointed to a boy with short brown hair and crimson red eyes. He was so beautiful That I couldn't take my eyes for a moment."that's Alec", Alec smiled at me and I smiled back, then I noticed Aro pointing to someone else. He was at a boy with blonde/brown hair. "that's Demetri" Aro said. He then pointed to the last boy in the room. He had short brown hair, easy muscular and tall, he reminded me of Emmett." and that's Felix" Aro said. "now you know everyone, can you tell us why you wanted to die?" Aro asked.

I nodded and told them everything. From meeting the Cullen's to falling in love with Edward to James and to Edward leaving. By the end of it, they had murderous looks on and Alec ran straight to me and hugged me. Then Jane, Demetri, Felix, Aro, Marcus and even Caius joined in on the hug and I hugged them back. We stayed like that for 5 mins until they pulled away.

"We will find them and kill them" Alec said and Jane, Demetri and Felix nodded in agreement.
"We will not let them hurt you" Marcus said, and then added " I can feel relationships and can tell that ours will be a father, daughter relationship."

"This is your home now Bella and we are your family." Caius said.
"We will protect them and punish them for what the did" Aro said.

" thankyou everyone, I really appreciate it." I said and hugged them all before Jane showed me to my room so I could change and think. This is my new home and family now.
So what do you think? Tell me in the comments and vote please. The pic above is of Bella when she woke up

Isabella Marie Volturiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن