Chapter 19

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Dedicated to Jessicaemily7
Bella POV

I got back from hunting an hour than planned, I went looking for Alec but I couldn't find him. I ran into Jane and she told me that Alec had gone for a walk, so I decide to have a quick shower and get changed into something comfy for the night.

After I had a shower, I changed into an ocean blue tank top and black sweat pants. I pick up 'Gnomeo and Juliet'. I walked over to the bed and got myself comfy. After reading for about half an hour, there was an knock on my door.

"Hey Bella" Alice said, excitedly.

"Hello Alice." I replied, suspicious as to why she is excited.

"So, I was thinking that maybe you would like to come to our room and have a games night with all of us." Alice invited me.

I stood for a moment thinking. Should I go and join in on the games night or should I just lie and say that I'm busy. I wouldn't mind spending time with them but I don't want to get to close to them. I decide to lie and just wait in my room for Alec.

"I'm sorry Alice but I have a lot of paper work I need to catch up on and I would like to be here when Alec gets back." I told her. Her face fell and for a moment I was actually feeling a bit guilty.

"Oh well, maybe next time." She replied, I nodded at her and closed the door as she walked off.

I layed back down and opened up the book back to where I was. I was reading for an hour after Alice left when Jane burst through the door.

"Yes Jane?" I asked.

"Aro, Marcus and Caius want to see you in the thrown room when you are ready." Jane replied before running out calling for Demetri.  

I got up and just put on my sandals before chucking my hair up into a messy bun, not caring at how I looked. I walked down to the thrown room at a human speed and walked into the thrown room, taking my seat in my chair before turning to the others.

"Bella, thanks for coming. We wanted to discuss the plan for when Victoria comes with her army." Aro told me, with Caius and Marcus nodding along.

"I was thinking that Alec and I could go and fetch 2 covens to see if they will fight, but I'm positive that they will and while we are gone, you guys could be tracking down nomads and any other covens." I said.

"That is a good idea Bella, what 2 covens are you going to get?" Caius asked.

"The Denali coven and the Anderson coven."

"Wonderful, you go and pack Alec and your things while we go and send some guards after nomads and covens." Aro smiled about to issue for some guards when Marcus cut him off.

"Oh and Bella?"

"Yes Marcus?" I asked.

"Would you mind asking the Cullen's if they would help? You don't have to tell them all the details, just that there is an army coming and that we will explain more in a couple of days." Marcus answered.

As much as I didn't want to ask the Cullen's for help, I knew that we needed it. So, I agreed and went to find them. I found them playing Mario Cart with the door opened. I knocked on the door and they paused the game and looked at me.

"Come in Bella." Carlisle said. I stepped in and walked over to where they were sitting and stood in front of them.

"Would you like to sit Bella?" Asked Esme, I shook my head no.

"I just came to ask you guys something." I looked at them and they nodded telling me to go on. I told a breath then said " we have a problem here and I would like to know if you guys would help."

"What is the problem dear?" Carlisle asked, and I cringed when he called me dear

"There is an army coming to destroy us, well me and we need as many vampires as possible."

They all stared at me wide eye. Can vampires go into shock? It was silent before Rosalie spoke up.

"I will help but I don't know about everyone else."

Everyone else nodded in agreement then Edward spoke up.

"Bella, why is an army coming to destroy you?"

"You will all find out in a couple of days. If you have any questions then see Aro, Marcus or Caius." I told them before turning around and about to walk out the door before Emmett's voice stopped me.

"Bella, we were wondering if you would like to have a fun day with us boys tomorrow?"

I turned around and said " I would love to but I'm leaving for a couple of days tomorrow at dawn."

"Oh, where are you going?" Jasper asked.

"Just to go and see a few covens to see if they will help. Now excuse me, I have to go and pack. I'll see you guys in a couple of days." I said before walking out and going to my room to pack Alec and mine stuff.

When I got in there, Alec was there sitting on the bed waiting for me. I walked up to him and gave him a kiss to which he deepened it. After a couple of minutes I pulled away to which he pouted and said

"I wasn't done kissing you get, my beautiful and amazing wife."

"I know but we got to pack." I smiled at him and walked into our massive closet and I could here him follow.

"Why? Are we going somewhere I can get you all to myself?" He questioned.

"No, we are going to see if the Denali and Anderson coven will come and help us fight."

"Ok then but we can always save the packing for when its only an hour until we go, so then we can have some fun in bed, since I haven't had any in weeks." He pouted.

"Ok then, I agree with you."

We spent the rest of the night in bed have so much fun and enjoying our time together. We got dressed at 3am and had all of our stuff packed within 10 minutes before we had to leave, we would have had it done faster but we kept on getting distracted by each other.


Here you go. I hope you enjoy this update. Also I made a new book called 'Cullen Wife Swap' if you would like to check it out you can but no pressure if you don't want to. Anyway enjoy and I will update again in a couple of days.

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