~*Two Navy Memories*~

Start from the beginning


I sighed at the thought of my fiancé.


Carlos and I met at a birthday dinner that happened to be at his restaurant. He was flirty with me the whole night, and after two hours of persistence, I reluctantly agreed to go out on a date with him.


He was fun and outgoing but also secretive. I never looked too much into that though. After our first date I politely said yes to a second, which led to saying yes to a third and fourth. A year and a half later, I said yes to marrying him.


I sometimes don't remember why I said yes in the first place. It just felt like that was the next natural step. It feels off sometimes though.


By the time I was dressed and ready to go, my grandma had just finished making a full breakfast.


"Buenos dias, Abuela." I said as I gave my grandmother a hug and a kiss on the cheek before sitting at the table. I love mi abuelita. For being in her 70s, she has more energy than most 20 year olds I know.


She was born in Sonora, México and came to the states when she was 12. She met my grandpa at age 17 and after they were married, they had four children. My grandpa passed away from a heart attack a few years ago. We all miss him, especially my grandma. Somehow though, she manages to stay strong.


"Good morning, Mija. How did you sleep?"


I looked down and slightly blushed at the reminder of last nights dream. I just chalked it up to randomness but something told me that was a lie. "Okay, I guess. Is Maria awake yet?”


Abuela shrugged. “I don't know Mija. Tu hermana is always in bed. For all I know she’s a vampire from one of those books she leaves around the house.”


Chuckling softly to myself, I stood from the table and went back upstairs to my sister’s room. Once I opened the door, I saw my sisters sleeping form hidden underneath mountains of blankets. Slowly, I crept inside until I was near the bed, then pounced on top of her.


“Wake up! Wake up!” I yelled while jumping on top of my now startled sister.


“Bea! Get off me you big cow!” She yelled trying to push me off.


“Well than, wake up Lazy!” I started to tickle her.


She started to laugh uncontrollably, yelling at the same time. “I’m up! I’m up!”


With a smile and a laugh, I stopped tickling my sister and got off.


“Why did you do that Bea?” Maria asked me as she sat up right.


“Because it’s your birthday! My little sister is 16!” I exclaimed.

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