I am the kind of a person, a woman who thinks practically and who didn't let the situation affect me too much. I am not saying that I took things easily as if it didn't bother me it's just that I don't like feeling helpless and waiting in the corner for the things I want to happen and come to me willingly without putting any effort.

I've promised myself that I will never be the same Aviana. The Aviana who was weak, crying in the corner, who let people step on her without a fight, and who couldn't find her voice for herself.

Besides, I now have two kids to think about and also I have to find a way to save the Ranch. I just can't stop my life just because he didn't believe me.

"Do you plan to sit all day inside your car, Aviana?" whispered a very familiar feminine voice making me jump in shock.

"Oh my God," I gasp my hand instantly went to my chest, slowing my poor heart. "Don't you dare do that again Cristina? You could have caused me a heart attack." I glared at her, her face red from not bursting into a fit of laughter.

"Damn, Aviana you should have seen your face. God, it was so funny." Cristina said laughing hysterically.

"Are you done?" I glared at her shaking form just outside my car. I am tempted to smack her beautiful face but I've missed her crazy ass.

She's like a fresh of breath air and she carries this innocence around her that makes you think she's not a grown woman. Well if you look at her baby face you'll never know until you'll see her in her working clothes. She's that innocent since she is still a virgin at the age of 24.

"Whatever. Just get out there and hug me mamma bear." She exclaimed jumping like an excited kid on Christmas.

I look at her like she is crazy and she stared at me clueless. I look at her then at the door of my car, I bit back my laugh seeing her face change into realization and her mouth form into an 'o' shape.

"You could have told me," Cristina murmured before she pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. Geez, I've never thought her small form can hug so tight.

"Well, you are busy laughing so how can I tell you. Damn, woman let go you're squeezing me to death and may I remind you I am pregnant so calm your beast down." I said in amusement, she's like a kid who missed her mother so much.

She pulled away from me and pouted that her hug was cut short thanks to my energetic son, squeezing his way between us hugging my legs tightly.

"I miss you, mommy," Xian murmured rubbing his cheeks on my thigh. I smiled picking him up and planted a kiss on his cheeks.

"I miss you too, big boy." I hug him closed to me inhaling his baby scent that I made my own calming medicine.

I know now that no matter what the world will throw on my way I will be able to go through them as long as I have my son by my side to lighten my way. And now I have another reason to continue living even though the world is cruel to me.

"Mommy, I have to show you something. Aunt Tina gave it to me when you left she said I will not tell mommy about it because it's our secret." Xian beamed excitedly, his eyes getting bigger as he obliviously told me a secret that he shouldn't be telling me but it's too late.

"Really, where is it? Can you show me I promise I won't tell Aunt Tina you told me about your secret?" I whispered but enough for Cristina to hear, who by the way looks like a deer caught in a headlight.

Xian shook his head vigorously beaming at me showing me his chocolate-covered teeth. I may have an idea about what their secret might be. I chuckled lightly shaking my head in amusement.

Unchained his heartWhere stories live. Discover now